L-FIL-LET/11 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide the general outlines of the history of Italian literature of the twentieth century, through the study of the more representative authors and texts.

Course Structure


Detailed Course Content

The study of the authors will be conducted through the analysis of texts that allow a direct comparison with the poetics of each, as well as through knowledge of the main critical contributions for the works under consideration. A specific study will ultimately be dedicated to two authors of Postmodern literature, Italo Calvino and Umberto Eco, through an in-depth reading of Il nome della rosa and Lezioni americane, with the support of critical studies and teaching monographs.

Textbook Information

A) The Italian storytelling in the twentieth century, between short story and novel (4 CFU)

Racconti italiani, ed. by Jhumpa Lahiri, Guanda 2019.

Elisabetta Menetti, Generi e forme della narrativa breve italiana, in Le forme brevi della narrativa, ed. by E. Menetti, Carocci 2019, pp. 13-33 to be found on Studium)..

Massimiliano Tortora, La novella, in Il modernismo italiano, ed. by M. Tortora, Carocci 2018, pp. 39-64 (to be found on Studium).


A textbook chosen from the following:

C. Segre – C. Martignoni, Leggere il mondo, Edizioni Scolastiche Bruno Mondadori;

R. Luperini – P. Cataldi – L. Marchiani, Il nuovo La scrittura e l’interpretazione, voll. 5-6, Palumbo;

G. Langella – P. Frare – P. Gresti – U. Motta, Amor mi mosse, voll. 6-7, Bruno Mondadori.

Particular attention should be paid to the following authors:

L. Pirandello, F. Tozzi, I. Svevo, C.E. Gadda, A. Moravia, C. Pavese, E. Vittorini, B. Fenoglio, P. Levi, I. Calvino, E. Morante, L. Sciascia, G. Bufalino.

The student will choose a novel of the writers specified in A with relevant critical essay.


B) Italian poetry in the twentieth century (4 CFU)

Particular attention should be paid to the following authors:

G. Pascoli, G. D’Annunzio, G. Gozzano, C. Sbarbaro, C. Rebora, D. Campana, G. Ungaretti, U. Saba, E. Montale, S. Quasimodo, P.P. Pasolini, G. Caproni, V. Sereni, A. Bertolucci, A. Zanzotto, M. Luzi, F. Fortini, E. Sanguineti.

The student will choose at least one hundred items extracted from the works of the poets specified in B.


C) Italo Calvino and Umberto Eco (1 CFU)


U. Eco, Il nome della rosa, 1980 o edizioni successive, con relative Postille, pp. 404.

I. Calvino, Lezioni americane, 1988.

G. Palazzolo, Umberto Eco. Epifanie, ossessioni, gnosi, Lentini (SR), Duetredue, 2017, pp. 43-73 to be found on Studium)..


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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