L-ART/05 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

To provide theoretical and methodological tools for the study of dramaturgy, understood not only in its dimension of 'literary dramatic text', but also as a 'scenic text'.

Course Structure

The course is tripartite. Module A, theoretical and institutional, proposes general questions of dramaturgy. Module B is dedicated to the meeting between a puppeteer (Mimmo Cuticchio) and a dancer (Virgilio Sieni) who brought theatre and dance back to a common origin, that of pure movement. Module C is dedicated to the dramaturgical score of Turi Zinna, cross-media and cross-disciplinary voice of the contemporary scene.

Detailed Course Content

Textbook Information

A. Dramaturgy: definitions and method (3 CFU)


- L. Mango, Il Novecento del teatro. Una Storia, Roma, Carocci, 2019, pp. 372 (only tra chapters 4-11 e 12).

- H.-T. Lehmann, Il teatro postdrammatico, Bologna, CUE Press, 2017, pp. 251.


B. « Gentlemen, the Puppet!» (2 CFU)


- V. Di Bernardi, Ossatura. Mimmo Cuticchio e Virgilio Sieni: marionette e danza in Nudità, Roma, Bulzoni, pp. 175.


C. Hybridize the theatre: in the dramaturgical workshop of Turi Zinna (1 CFU)


- T. Zinna, Ballata per San Berillo e altri Esercizi di prosa ballabile, a cura di S. Scattina, Acireale-Roma, Bonanno Editore, 2020, pp. 164.


A meeting-lesson is planned with Turi Zinna, Mimmo Cuticchio and Virgilio Sieni.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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