Letteratura ispano-americana comparata / Litertura hispanoamericana comparada

L-LIN/06 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course is aimed at providing a deep knowledge of important authors of the Latin American Literature; it also aims at consolidating interpretative and critical skills in studying the literary texts, through the thematic and narratological analysis.

Course Structure

Lectures and seminars.

Detailed Course Content

Through a selection of literary works and critical essays, the course includes the study of significant authors of the Spanish-American literature of the XXth century and of the literary procedures they use. Particular attention will be paid to Pablo Neruda e di Eduardo González Viaña.

Textbook Information

a) Classics:

The student is required to read 5 (five) texts, belonging to DIFFERENT AUTHORS, among those listed below, using any edition (including the digital one):


b) History of Literature:

G. Bellini, Storia della letteratura ispanoamericana. Dalle civiltà precolombiane ai giorni nostri, LED, 1998 or later editions (the pages relating to the authors chosen by the student).


c) Analysis:


Critical texts:


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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