The course aims to focus on the complex implications between the cultural events and the political value of journalistic communication. Another specific challenge is the analysis of the evolution of the journalistic forms and of the change of debate on cultural devices. These themes will be held through the reconstruction of the political-cultural debate that has animated the pages of the newspapers from Thirties to Seventies, by the examples of intellectual figures as Vittorini and Pasolini (to which the first module is devoted) and by the case studies of film criticism of female writers (to which the second module is devoted).
The course is divided into two modules (each one of 18 hours): through the first one, dedicated to the analysis of the interplay between journalism and literature in reference to the two intellectual models represented by Vittorini and Pasolini and to the reconstruction of the political-cultural debate in which they participated, the students will be able to reflect and study forms and genres of journalistic communication, whilst acquiring the theoretical, methodological and analytical tools, which will then be applied to the case studies proposed in the second module. The second part of the course presents some examples of film criticism practiced by female writers during the twentieth century. Students will have to choose two examples and discuss their analysis in a seminarial form.
Modulo A Writers out of the reserves . Vittorini e Pasolini between Journalism and Literature (3 CFU)
Modulo B Female Writesr and Film Criticism (3 CFU)
Modulo A Writers out of the reserves . Vittorini e Pasolini between Journalism and Literature (3 CFU)
- E. Vittorini, Letteratura, arte e società. Articoli e interventi 1926-1965, a cura di R. Rodondi, Torino, Einaudi, 2008, voll. 2 (a group of selected papers will be available on the platform STUDIUM).
- P.P. Pasolini, Scritti corsari, Milano, Garzanti, 2015.
- C. Bertoni, Letteratura e giornalismo, Roma, Carocci, 2009 (pp.144).
- C. Pontillo, «Il Politecnico» di Vittorini. Progetto e storia di una narrazione visiva, Roma, Carocci, 2020 (pp. 150).
- M. Rizzarelli, Parole “solo per avventura” quotidiane. Vittorini pubblicista, in C. Serafini (a cura di), Parola di scrittore. Giornalismo e letteratura nel Novecento, Roma, Bulzoni, 2010, pp. 333-347.
- L. De Giusti, A. Felici (a cura di), Gettiamo il nostro corpo nella lotta. Il giornalismo di Pier Paolo Pasolini, Venezia, Marsilio, 2020 (students will choose one chapter).
Modulo B Female Writers and Film Criticism (3 CFU)
Texts (students will choose 2 texts among this list):
- Colette, Una scrittrice al cinema, Recensioni e riflessioni, a cura di P. Palma, Trento, Temi Editrice, 2010 (ad esclusione dell’appendice, pp. 5-165).
- E. Morante, La vita nel suo movimento. Recensioni cinematografiche 1950-1951, a cura di G. Fofi, Torino, Einaudi, 2017.
- N. Ginzburg, Recensioni cinematografiche pubblicate sul settimanale «Il Mondo» dal 6-03-1975 al 25-12-1975 (a group of selected papers will be available on the platform STUDIUM)
- A. de Céspedes, Recensioni e interventi cinematografici (a group of selected papers will be available on the platform STUDIUM)
- O. Fallaci, I sette peccati di Hollywood, Milano, Rizzoli, 2014.
- A. Banti, Cinema 1950-1977, a cura di M.C. Papini, Firenze, Fondazione di studi di storia dell’arte Roberto Longhi, 2008 (40 reviews).
- V. Woolf, Sul cinema, a cura di S. Matetich, Udine, Mimesis, 2012.
- M. Guerra, S. Martin (a cura di), Atti critici in luoghi pubblici. Scrivere di cinema, Tv e Media dal dopoguerra al web, Parma, Diabasis, 2019 (pp. 15-31; 55-65; 373-441).
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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.