ICAR/17 - 12 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The aim of the Laboratory of Representation and Descriptive Geometry is to educate the student to the critical choice and the correct and conscious use of geometrical methods of representation of architecture and environment, in order to express on the sheet of paper with properties of language every spatial experience belonging to both the culture of relief and the project.

The study of descriptive geometry is intended as a critically rigorous and necessary process for the knowledge of space and architectural forms, through their representation, and engages students in a course that combines teaching and research, addressing in a systematic way the study of the Science of Representation.

The course has as further objectives to develop the ability of the learners:

of understanding and resolution through the representation of the aspressiveness of the designed form;
learning the projective criteria that allow to manage the continuous passage from space to plane and vice versa through the identification of "spatial forms and relations" that configure the architectural object and the translation of the same on the sheet in equivalent "flat forms and relations";
application of the acquired knowledge and problem solving in new or unfamiliar environments in broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of study;
acquisition of the theoretical graphic-representative tools to communicate complexity with a democratic language comprehensible to all;
Acquisition of a methodology of approach to the resolution of the issues addressed in an independent way.

Course Structure

The course "Laboratory of Representation and Descriptive Geometry" is structured with frontal lessons and classroom exercises. During each meeting the frontal lesson will be followed by exercises and applications in the classroom with weekly delivery. Each student will be provided with tools for geometric drawing.

During the exercises, corrections and didactic interviews will take place in order to support individual learning and personal motivation. There will be some free-hand outdoor drawing exercises.

The structure of the exercises is characterized by the elaboration of individual application tables on the themes dealt with in the frontal lessons and by collective tables (for working groups previously coordinated by the teacher) on the reasoned analysis and redesign of different architectural objects for each working group.

If the teaching is given in mixed mode or at a distance, the necessary variations can be introduced with respect to what was previously stated, in order to respect the program provided and reported in the syllabus.

The learning verification can also be carried out electronically, should the conditions require it.

Detailed Course Content

The course intends to lead the student through frontal lessons and application exercises to the knowledge of the Representation of Architecture and Descriptive Geometry, through practical applications assigned during the year.
Within the course, the theoretical foundations of Descriptive Geometry will be brought back to the identification of the genesis of form and constitutive processes for a conscious representation able to induce the ability of a design of geometrically complex spaces mediated by representations of high figurative expressiveness.
The choice of the relationship between object, observer and picture, in relation to the geometrical and formal aspects to be communicated becomes a significant moment of mental prefiguration of the graphic impact in terms of visual rendering. The use of three-dimensional models allows a methodology of approach to representation for continuous verifications that allows to better frame the spatial relationship between shapes. The theoretical part is divided into meetings on descriptive geometry, methods of representation and conventions of architectural design. The exercises include the elaboration of tables on the application of descriptive geometry and the reasoned reading and redrawing of architectural objects.

The topics covered are the following:

- Technical and theoretical tools of drawing;

- Elementary geometry references and representation of flat geometrical shapes

- Projective geometry elements

- Projections of Monge: reference model and representation of geometrical entities, flat and solid figures

- Projections of Monge: sections and tilting of planes, representations with planes section oblique to the reference planes

- Prospectivity and homology (affinity, homotethia, congruence)

- Assonometry: reference model and representation of geometrical entities, flat and solid figures

- Axonometry: oblique and orthogonal projections. Triangle of traces

- Perspective: reference model and representation of geometrical entities, flat and solid figures

- Perspective: measuring points, perspective with the overturning method

- Vertical frame perspective. Method of cutting the visual rays. Method of projecting planes. Inaccessible vanishing points

- Horizontal frame perspective

- The prospective return

- Shadow Theory

- The representation of architectural elements: arches, vaults, pitched roofs and stairs

- Introduction to two-dimensional computer aided drawing (CAD)

- Operating methods for graphic analysis

- Conventions and graphic design standards of architectural design

Textbook Information

E. Chiavoni, M. Docci, Saper leggere l'architettura,Edizione:Laterza,2017.

M. Docci, M. Gaiani, D. Maestri, SCIENZA DEL DISEGNO (Seconda edizione), CittàStudi Edizioni, 2017

G. Taibi, Le ragioni del progetto. Un laboratorio della rappresentazione, Siracusa, 2008

M. Docci, D. Maestri, Manuale di rilevamento architettonico e urbano, Nuova edizione ampliata, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009.

R. Valenti, Architettura e simulazione. La rappresentazione dell'idea dal modello fisico al modello virtuale,
Cannitello (RC), 2003

R. Migliari, Fondamenti della rappresentazione geometrica ed informatica dell’architettura, Roma, 2000

M. Dell'Aquila, Il luogo della geometria, Napoli, 1999

A. Sgrosso, La rappresentazione geometrica dell’architettura,Torino,1996

M.Docci, Teoria e pratica del disegno, Roma-Bari 1994

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