ICAR/14 - 12 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course is based on two main educational objectives: Architecture as a representation and as a logical construction of space. The concepts will be developed alongside the lectures with design exercises; a final design essay will be the moment of synthesis and verification of the proposed teaching.

The project is as a matter of facts the place of confluence of all the different disciplines - historical-critical, aesthetic, physical-mathematical, technological - offered by the school of architecture. The basic knowledge of the architectural discipline - an initial as well as essential moment in student's cultural and design training - constitutes the primary objective of the course. It is organized in two phases: the first consists of the study of known architectural works on the theme of the single-family house, the second consists of composition and design exercises.

Course Structure

The course will be introduced by some lessons on the systems of representation and on the technical, constructive and graphic norms of the housing project. Proposed exercises are of two different orders: study of known architectural works on the theme of the single-family house, and composition and design exercises.

Detailed Course Content

The course is divided into a series of lessons and exercises that develop five main topics:

a. Writing, analogy and semiology processes.
b. Classical architecture syntax / The transition from classical and modern code .
c. Elements of modern syntax - composition by fragments: decomposition and composition of planes (neoplasticism), assembly of volumes (rationalism / constructivism), the concept of free plan.
d. The space of the modern city: space definer and space occupainer; urban space from the nineteenth-century city to modernity and modern urban theories.
e. Elements of contemporary design: 1. the machine and the post-foundational phase of modernity in the 1960s; 2. Subtraction languages ​​- concept of semantic emptying of the object (Eisenman); 3. Addition languages - from Pop Art to Postmodern (Venturi); 4. Louis Kahn; 5. deconstruction and transarchitecture.

Textbook Information


M.P.Vitruvio, De Architectura

Le Corbusier, Verso un’architettura

Robert Venturi, Complessità e contraddizioni nell’architettura


Specific bibliographies are given in each lesson. The main reference texts are:

P. Zumthor, Pensare architettura, Mondadori Electa, Milano 2003


A. Monestiroli, La metopa e il triglifo. Nove lezioni di architettura, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2002

F. Venezia, Che cosa è l'architettura, Mondadori Electa, Milano 2011

C. Martì Arìs, Le variazioni dell’identità, il tipo in architettura, Città Studi, Milano 1990

B. Messina, Spazi domestici del XX secolo, Lettera Ventidue, Siracusa, 2008

F. Guarrera, Insediarsi e costruire, Lettera Ventidue, Siracusa, 2013

E. Fidone, C.Gandolfi, Paulo Mendes da Rocha Spazio tettonico, Lettera Ventidue, Siracusa, 2019

F. Foti, Il paesaggio nella casa, Lettera Ventidue, Siracusa, 2009

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