The first lessons (about 20 hours) will be dedicated to explaining and analyzing modules A and B. The remaining ones will be necessary for the in-depth module on Pirandello and for the on-going test. To allow students to acquire the methodological instruments necessary to analyze the languages of theatre will be projected and discussed, during the lessons, films and videos related to some plays that have marked the history of theater.
Students will also be invited to watch shows in city theaters.
Especially the show related to the program: I giganti della montagna (Teatro Stabile), Sei (Centro ZO Culture Contemporanee), Enrico IV (Piccolo Teatro della città).
Are scheduled meetings with artists, professors and operators of the sector.
A Features of theatre history (3 CFU)
- R. Alonge, F. Perrelli, Storia del teatro e dello spettacolo, Torino, UTET, 2016 (pp. 300).
B Performance: viewer’s manual (1 CFU)
C Pirandello and the new scene: hypothesis of readings (2 CFU)
-L. Pirandello, Sei personaggi in cerca d’autore, Torino, Einaudi, 2014, pp. 272 (another edition will also be fine).
-L. Pirandello, Enrico IV, Torino, Einaudi, 1993, pp. 70 (another edition will also be fine).
For the study:
For 9 CFU: R. Alonge, Discesa nell'inferno familiare, Torino, UTET, 2018 (pp. 170) - A text by Luigi Pirandello between: Liolà, Il giuoco delle parti, Così è (se vi pare), Questa sera si recita a soggetto.
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