L-LIN/03 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Course Structure

The course is hold in a classroom, through an alternance of two main teaching modalities: frontal lessons and practice exercises, in order to train the student to the written test, that is preparatory to the oral examination.

Therefore, students who attend the course are requested to bring to each lesson the anthology, as can be find online, on Studium platform. The students can choose whether to employ a digital or paper version of the books, that in class will be subject matter of textual analysis.

We recommend students to access Studium platform and confirm their presence to the "French literature, from Renaissance to Age of Enlightenment" course: in order to get material for the lessons and receive all further communications from the teacher. For this reason, we recommend to check the registered email address.

Detailed Course Content

A. FUNDAMENTALS of French Literature (XIX-XX century) 6cfu

The socio-cultural contest, the artistic and literary movements, major authors and their works, in relation to the nineteenth century and the twentieth century, with a choice from an anthology of at least 50 passages and reading in the original, full version of 6 works chosen from the following pairs (any complete edition in French):

1 poem:

Blaise Cendrars, Prose du Transsibérien et de la petite Jehanne de France or Paul Valéry, La Jeune Parque;

1 collection of prose poems:

Arthur Rimbaud, Illuminations or

André Gide, Les nourritures terrestres;

1 play:

Jean Giraudoux, Electre [Elettra, it. transl.] o

Samuel Beckett, En attendant Godot [Aspettando Godot, it. transl.];

1 tales collection:
Gustave Flaubert, Trois Contes [Tre racconti, it. transl.] o

Marguerite Yourcenar, Nouvelles Orientales [Novelle orientali, it. transl.];

1 novel:

Marcel Proust, Du côté de chez Swann [La strada di Swann/ Un amore di Swann Dalla parte di Swann, it. transl.] o

André Gide, Les Faux-Monnayeurs [I Falsari, it. transl.];

1 work of philosophical fiction:

Albert Camus, L’Etranger [Lo Straniero, it. transl.] o Jean-Paul Sartre, La Nausée [La Nausea, it. transl.]


For a definition of female identity in the France of the "modernity".
The course aims to trace the models of female identity in the French literature, elaborated by male and female writers between the 18th century and the first years of the 20th, with the intention to educate girls and young women about self-awareness, body representation (and the uses of the proposed representations) and the roles of women within the family and the society, particular emphasis will be given to the access to reading and education.

Textbook Information

A. FUNDAMENTALS of French Literature (XIX-XX century)


- History of Literature

P. Brunel, Y. Bellenger, D. Couty, Ph. Sellier, M. Truffet, Histoire de la littérature française, t.2 : XIXe et XXe siècle, Bordas, Paris, pp. 385-449, 456-516, 525-563, 581-622, 666-680, 705-708, 721-730.

[P. Brunel, Y. Bellenger, D. Couty, Ph. Sellier, M. Truffet, Storia della Letteratura francese, t.2 : Ottocento e Novecento, edizione italiana a cura di Giovanni Bogliolo, Rapallo, CIDEB, 1987.

or :

Storia europea della letteratura francese, t.2. Dal Settecento all’età contemporanea, a cura di L. Sozzi, Torino, Einaudi, 2013, pp.129-347]

- Anthology of Literature

Littérature. Textes et documents, vol. IV (XIXe sec.) e vol. V (XXe sec.), collection H. Mitterand, Paris, Nathan [Antologia cronologica della letteratura francese, diretta e a cura di R. Campagnoli, Milano, Ambrosiana, 1996, voll. 5 (Ottocento) e 6 (Novecento) a cura di Liana Nissim]

- or by unifying History of Literature and Anthology:

Lagarde-Michard, Les grands auteurs français du programme, vol. V (XIXe sec.) e vol. VI (XXe sec.), Bordas, Paris

- Commentaire littéraire (for students who are not attending courses)

Daniel Bergez, L'explication de texte littéraire, Armand Colin, Collection: Lettres Sup. (or equivalent volume)


For a definition of female identity in the France of the "modernity".


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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