M-STO/04 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Course Structure

Aim of the course is to offer a description of the main events and processes characterizing the Twentieth Century from the Big War to the crises of the Seventies, with reference to the main historiographical interpretations. Optional monographic topics will be part of the course. The course, divided in three modules, is articulated partly in lectures and partly in seminary class work. During the seminars, students will work in groups reading texts, presenting and discussing their readings and historical sources. Assessment test will be scheduled at the end of each module.

Detailed Course Content

The course is articulated in three modules:


Module A (5 CFU)

The First World War; The Russian Revolution; Europe between Democracy and Authoritarianisms; The Sovietic Communism; Fascism and Nazism; United States and New Deal; Economy and Society between the two Wars; the Second World War; Bipolarism and Cold War; Decolonization; the Middle East; the West; The Communist World; the Turning Point of the Seventies.


Module B (2 CFU)

Review of the most important historiographical interpretations on XX century’s main issues.


Module C (2 CFU)

Monographic course 2. The Origins of the Contemporary World.

Textbook Information

Module A (5 CFU)



A. M. Banti, L'età contemporanea. Dalla Grande Guerra a oggi, Laterza, Bari 2009,

pp. 471.


Module B (2 CFU)

A. M. Banti, Le questioni dell'età contemporanea, Laterza, Bari 2010, all chapters except 1, 2, 4 e 15,

pp. 43-59; pp. 78-299.

Module C (2 CFU)

One text from the following ones:



- I. Kershaw, Hitler e l’enigma del consenso, Bari Laterza, 2007,

pp. 338.


- R.J. Overy, Crisi tra le due guerre mondiali 1919-1939, Il Mulino, Bologna 2009,

pp. 193.


- B. Bongiovanni, Storia della guerra fredda, Laterza, Bari 2009,

pp. 164.


NB. For the 6 credits examination: Module A and Module B

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