L-ART/02 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Detailed Course Content

History and geography of art in Italy from the Renaissance to the Baroque (1450-1750) with some in-depth analyses about the works of the Ursino Castle Civic Museum of Catania.

Textbook Information

A textbook chosen from:

- S. Settis - T. Montanari, Arte. Una storia naturale e civile, Milano, Mondadori Education - Einaudi Scuola, 2019, vol. III, pp. 80-503 [ISBN: 9788828616450] e vol. IV, pp. 2-229 [ISBN: 9788828616467]

- P. De Vecchi - E. Cerchiari, Arte nel tempo, Milano, Bompiani, 1992 (e ristampe successive), vol. II, tomo I, pp. 127-461 e tomo II, pp. 464-787 [ISBN: 9788845062230]

The book:

Pitture in collezione. Venti opere del museo civico di castello Ursino, a cura di Barbara Mancuso, Valter Pinto, Messina, Magika edizioni, 2018 (pp. 9-201) [ISBN 978-88-89525-44-9]


It is recommended to integrate the textbook with illustrations found on specialized sites such as, for example, www.wga.hu

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