Ongoing verification
A(3CFU) - Syntax, sentence analysis. Tutorials receptive and productive skills (written and oral) of different types in order to reach the C1 level.
B (3CFU) - Microlanguage (turism language, press language, law). Considerations on translation: theories and practices through comparative. Exercises of graded difficulty
A : Language
- Silvie Poisson-Quinton, Reine Mimran, Michèle Matéo-Le Coadic, Grammaire expliquée du français, niveau intérmédiaire, CLE International, Paris, 2002
- A. Hamon, Analyse grammaticale et logique, Paris, Hachette, 1999
-M. Grevisse, Le petit Grevisse, Bruxelles, De Boeck, 32 édition 2009
Pierre Lerat, Les langues spécialisées, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France 1995.
We recommend:
We also recommend:
Module B: Translation : Theories and practice
Dossier with a selection of different text types including
comparative examples and exercises of graded difficulty.