The History of Medicine aims to provide the student in Medicine with the contents and paths of the evolution of medical thought over time, to contribute to the acquisition of knowledge and useful references to the present, with the aim of enriching the culture of student in Medicine and to make it a useful asset for research, clinic and assistance
Within the integrated course of Human Sciences of the degree course in Medicine and Surgery, the teaching of Medical Bioethics is intended to modulate, regulate and optimize the relationship between medical sciences and clinical practice according to a vision that begins with the scientific data and arrivals to regulatory aspects, in the light of the code of ethics as well as forecasts of the current constitutional and legal (general and special) precepts.
Frontal lessons.
Some definitions:
What is the Demo-ethno-anthropology.
Demology and Demography
Ethnology and Ethnography.
Items of interest for the medical student and the doctor.
Sensitive themes:
Cultural challenges for health, disease and care.
Some health determinants: neighborhood, lifestyles, nutrition, physical activity, personal care, pregnancy and childhood
Old and new media and social networks
Patients’, medical and scientific mobility; migration medicine.
Overlapping areas with ethics, psychology and sociology: similarities and differences.
Competitor factors: economic, climatic, religious.
History of informed consent, and of the patient doctor relationship. History of euthanasia. History of transplants. History of medical schools in the Mediterranean. History of hospitals. History of the birth of universities. Women and Medicine. Egyptian medicine. Mesopotamian Medicine .. Medicine in the Greeks, Romans and the Middle Ages. Medicine from the 14th century to the 21st century. Jewish and Arabic Medicine. The great diagnostic and therapeutic discoveries
General Bioethics:
Clinical Bioethics:
Ethical aspects of the experimentation