M-FIL/06 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

knowledge and understanding: Provide interpretations of the cultural evolution and the history of Islamic religious thought. applying knowledge and understanding: Through the analysis of the Islamic history and the main theological schools and their evolution, the student acquires knowledge of this civilization, which facilitates his relationship with others and facilitates the field work of those who engage in the activity of cultural mediation.

making judgement: The ability to analyse text during the research and preparation of presentations during the course are a stimulus that strengthens the autonomy of the student's judgment.

communication skills: Through active participation during the lectures, seminars and presentations, students will acquire confidence, that strengthens its ability to communicate.

learning skills: Stimulating the curiosity of the student through cultural subjects such as Islam, gives graduates the ability to interact in cultural issues.

Course Structure

- Frontal lessons
- Seminars
- Presentations

Detailed Course Content

The part of the course dedicated to the history of Islamic religion aims to provide the appropriate tools to understand its evolution, through the study of Islamic theological questions and the analysis of the first currents and the main religious thoughts.

A second part is dedicated to the doctrinal foundations of Buddhist thought, with special reference to Japanese Buddhism in the Heian period.

Textbook Information


  1. A. Ventura, Il Corano, Mondadori, 2010.
  2. Henry Corbin, Storia della filosofia islamica. Dalle origini ai nostri giorni, gli Adelphi, 1991.
  3. F. De Simini, Il buddhismo. Storia di un’idea, Roma, Carocci, 2013.
  4. A. Tollini (a cura di), Antologia del buddhismo giapponese, Torino, Einaudi, 2009, pp. 11-70


  1. R. Tottoli (a cura di), Islam (volume III della collana Le religioni e il mondo moderno, a cura di G. Filoramo), Torino: Einaudi, 2009.
  2. Alberto Ventura, L'esoterismo islamico: principi dottrinali, Roma: Atanor, 1981.
  1. Documenti e bibliografie per approfondimenti saranno indicati durante il corso.

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