Knowledge and understanding
The aim of this course is the acquisition of a lot of solid linguistic, sociolinguistic, communicative, metalinguistic and cultural knowledge and competencies according to C1-C2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Applying knowledge and understanding
Students will refine their analysys and knowledge about french language through a sociolinguistic approach. After a short review concerning linguistic concepts, they will be introduced to the study of french sociolinguistics and then to, they "delve" into the contemporary french language facettes in France and the international francohone context. Students will acquire some deep knowledge about french syntax, vocabulary and stylistic in order to communicate in an appropriate, coherent and effective way. Conceptual fluency will represent the most important purpose of this course. Students enrich and broaden their knowledge about french culture. Furthermore, they will be able to use and combine knowledge in an interdisciplinary way, the interaction between several disciplines will represent the "key" to interpret and decrypt heterogeneous linguistic, sociolinguistic and cultural domains.
Making judgements
Students will be able to formulate independent judgements, to approach and "explore", in a flexible and critical way, texts related to different domains, issues and registers. They will "delve" into the francophone context, its chronotope and the contemporary french language variations. Through the acquisition of concepts linked to french culture and society, students will be able to cope with problems caused by the contact between different cultures. They will combine their knowdlege in an interdisciplinary way to interpret and decode different sociolinguistic and cultural domains.
Communication skills
The course will allow students to acquire the main "tools" to express and communicate in an appropriate, complex and articulated way their thoughts, their projects and the results concerning their studies or analysis. They will be able to "catch" and identify linguistic variations and registers. The mastery and the use of "these sociolinguistic changes" in oral practice is the most important purpose of this course.
Learning skills
Students will be able to implement useful cognitive strategies to improve and "handle" their learning and study method and to use their competencies in different professional activities and academic fields and contexts.
The course is made up of three modules :
The modules will be carried out through :
- Frontal lessons / Cooperative learning
- Seminars
- Presentations
- Workshops
Students have to reach the communication skills corresponding to the C1-C2 level of the Common European Framework, deepening their knowledge about sociolinguistic and linguistic and the linguistic varieties of contemporary french speech.
1. General Course : French Sociolinguistics
Révision générale de quelques notions concernant la Linguistique générale, Lexique et vocabulaire, la stylistique, synonymie/antynomie/homonymie/pléonames, étude diachronique de la langue française, le français : langue emprunteuse, la Sociolinguistique (un autre regard sur le langage et les langues en sociétés, la variation comme fondement de l'exercice d'une langue, "communauté linguistique" - "marché linguistique" et représentations, bilinguisme et diglossie, le contact des langues, les politiques linguistiques, la "politique linguistique" française, la défense du français).
2. Methodology
Theoretical atelier for the written test (Compréhension orale et Dissertation) : Méthode de l’argumentation à l’oral et à l’écrit d’un texte journalistique (thèmes des parlers jeunes, de l’évolution du français, des revendications linguistiques et identitaires francophones)
3. In-depht studies : Contemporary french language in France and in francophone contexts.
Text for laboratories and training with foreign language Assistants
A. BERTHET et al., Alter ego C1-C2 +, Livre de l’élève et cahier des exercices, Livre + CD audio, Hachette, Paris, 2006.
Recommended texts (to deepen and revise French syntax and vocabulary knowledge and competencies)
M. Grégoire, A. Kostucki, Grammaire progressive du français (Niveau Perfectionnement), Paris, CLE INTERNATIONAL, 2017 (à télécharger) ;
D. BERLION, R. LEQUEUX, A.-L. CHAT, Le Bled Vocabulaire, Paris, Hachette, 2014 ;
C. MIQUEL, Vocabulaire progressif du français (Niveau Avancé ou Perfectionnement), Paris, CLE INTERNATIONAL, 2018.
R. Racine, J.- C. Schenker, Communication progressive du français (Perfectionnement C1/C2), Paris, CLE INTERNATIONAL, 2018.
General course and in-depht studies
Dossier provided by the teacher
The dossier is made up of documents and texts taken from the following books (bibliography):
Recommended bilingual dictionaries
Boch, ultima edizione, Zanichelli, Bologna.
Garzanti, dizionario fr-it; it-fr., Garzanti, ultima ed..
Il Larousse francese. fr-it; it-fr; Rizzoli/Larousse, ultima ed.
Recommended monolingual dictionaries
Le Petit Robert, Le Robert, ultima edizione.
Le Petit Larousse illustré, Larousse 2012.
Trésor de la langue française informatisé
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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.