L-LIN/14 - 9 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

knowledge and understandig:the learning objective is to reach the level C2 of the german certification. students should acquire adequate theoretical and practical knowledge. The course aims to achieve an adequate level of language proficiency, both written and oral

applying knowledge and understanding: students will be able to analyze difficult texts and acquire the ability to communicate in different contexts. The assessment will be based on the active participation of students in all activities.

making judgement: the students be able to recognize the expressive and formal code of german texts, by formulating punctual and pertinent judgments, in order to examine critically the cultural and sociological aspects of the language

communication skills: the students will be able to interact with german speakers of different linguistic levels in structured contexts or in emergency situation.

learning skills: the students will be able to use adjourned learning techniques (peer tutoring, lateral thinking, problem solving) aiming to increase their levels of knowledge and competence.

Course Structure

54 hours frontal lessons

Detailed Course Content

Translation and analysis of the text "Frauen, die sterben, ohne dass sie gelebt hätten. Saliha Scheinhardt- Herder-Sprectrum 1993" and other text of the contemporary literature.

Textbook Information

Part 1: Nied Curcio, M. (Hrsg.): Ausgewählte Phänomene zur kontrastiven Linguistik Italienisch-Deutsch. Ein Studien- und Übungsbuch für italienische DaF-Studierende. Franco Angeli 2008.

Part 2: Saliha Scheinhardt.: Frauen, die sterben, ohne dass sie gelebt hätten. Herder-Sprectrum 1993

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