M-STO/04 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Detailed Course Content

The course program includes the study of the historical roots of religious traditions as a criterion for understanding the contemporary world. Will investigate some fundamental theoretical issues: the complexity of the sacred, the definition and functions of religion, the relationship between religion and violence and religion and politics (A). A study deepening will be dedicated to religious fundamentalism, in an attempt to investigate the reasons why their religions tend to arouse fundamentalist inclinations (B). Further reading of known studies will disclose other disciplinary perspectives of reading the religious phenomenon (eg. Psychological, anthropological).

Textbook Information

Form A (3 ECTS)

What is religion?


G. Filoramo, Che cos'è la religione. Temi metodi problemi, Einaudi 2004, cap. V-VI-VII-VIII.
G. Filoramo, M. Massenzio, M. Raveri, P. Scarpi, Manuale di Storia delle religioni. Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1998 (201519), parte II e IV.


Form B (2 ECTS)

Religious Fundamentalism


M. C. Giorda (a cura di), Dio lo vuole! I fondamentalismi religiosi, SEI 2012.
Klaus Kienzler, Fondamentalismi religiosi. Cristianesimo, ebraismo e islam, Carocci 2003.


Form C (1 ECTS)

Readings and perspectives

Books (one choice):

P. Scarpi, Si fa presto a dire Dio. Riflessioni per un multiculturalismo religioso, Ponte delle Grazie 2010.
S. Freud, Totem e tabù, Bollati Boringhieri, 19857, pp. 220.
E. De Martino, Furore, simbolo, valore, Feltrinelli 2002, pp. 190.
A. Sen, Identità e violenza, Laterza 20114, pp. 219.

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