L-FIL-LET/14 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and understandig: Knowledge of the fundamental elements of comparative studies as a scientific subject; acquisition of comparatistic, thematic and intertextual research methodologies.

Applying knowledge and understanding: Ability to consider literary texts critically; ability to connect elements of European literatures with those of non-European literatures with reference to the literary foundations of the use of the adjective "Kafkaesque"; ability to orient oneself within the printed and online bibliography; ability to link competences in an interdisciplinary fashion.

Making judgement: Critical ability to combine literary competences acquired in an interdisciplinary fashion and to interpret different sociolinguistic and cultural domains from both a synchronic and a diachronic perspective.

Communication skills: Ability to present the results of one’s study in complex ways; ability to discuss literary contents effectively and critically.

Learning skills: Development of autonomous learning skills in studying the literary materials of the course with the aim of interacting with diverse interlocutors and in different working environments.

Course Structure

The lectures will be supplemented by seminars with other teachers and, if possible, by tests in progress.

Detailed Course Content

"Kafkaesque": an adjective for the 20th century

Textbook Information

  1. Books:
    1. Franz Kafka, Tutti i racconti, Oscar Mondadori
    2. Franz Kafka, Il processo, Mondadori or Rizzoli or Einaudi or Garzanti or Feltrinelli or SE.
    3. One book chosen between:
      1. Albert Camus, Lo straniero, Bompiani
      2. Samuel Beckett, Aspettando Godot, Einaudi
    4. One book chosen among:
      1. Dino Buzzati, Il deserto dei tartari, Mondadori
      2. Angelo Fiore, Il supplente, Isbn
      3. Carmelo Samonà, Fratelli, Sellerio
    5. One book chosen among:
      1. Alberto Savinio, Tutta la vita, Adelphi
      2. Julio Cortàzar, Bestiario, Einaudi
      3. Shirley Jackson, La lotteria, Adelphi
  2. Movies:
    1. Orson Welles, Il processo
    2. Michelangelo Antonioni, L’avventura
  3. Critical texts:
    1. Viktor Sklovskij, L’arte come artificio (on Studium)
    2. Walter Benjamin, Franz Kafka (on Studium)
    3. Altri testi critici saranno indicati durante le lezioni.

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