The purpose of this course is to provide students with the knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to prevent and improve postural, paramorphic and dysmorphic morphological alterations of the musculoskeletal system in the various stages of age and to give indications and the limits of motor activities for preventive purposes. For the exams, students will have to demonstrate that they have the correct specific and general terminology, correct use of the various techniques, and be able to prepare a finalized work plan with the acquired skills. At the end of the course the student should have acquired the basis for the planning and control of preventive and compensatory motor activities in the various components, positions and executive dynamics, demonstrating that they have also acquired the ability to plan a practical and technical course for the organization of single teaching units or more structured units connected to each other for short, medium and long term planning.
At the end of the course, the student must possess the basic knowledge related to the methodological, didactic-organizational and relational aspects that characterize the areas of education and motor prevention in childhood as well as in the various operational areas: educational, sports, training, preventive, as well as in the various operational areas: educational, sports, training, preventive
Frontal Lessons and Theoretical-Practical lessons.
Frontal lesson (propedeutic, expositive, re-elaborating), active lesson, participated and cooperative, cooperative learning, multimedia teaching.
Terminology, definition and classification of the different morpho-structural alterations
Planes and axes of the human body;
Morphological classification of the subject;
Evaluations and measurements of vertebral disharmonies, stiffness and postural defects;
The curves of the spine on the various planes;
Knee valgus;
Knee launch;
Contraindications in the early practice of competitive sport in the age of development
Physical activity and prevention of cardiovascular diseases
The correct practical use of home, study, work and locomotion tools that we use every day in a global and sectorial preventive way
Acquisition of a correct sitting and upright posture
Specific terminology of physical activity;
Mobilization exercises;
Stretching exercises;
Specific strengthening exercises;
Strengthening exercises of a general nature;
Static and dynamic postural exercises;
Proprioceptive exercises;
Isometric and isotonic exercises;
Analgesic exercises;
Setting up a personalized work plan;
Intuitive parenting; -The social brain of the newborn; -Imitation of newborns and mirror neurons; -The social interaction of the newborn; -The role of the parent; - Interaction styles; - Social sensitivity of the child; -Themed reports; - Integrated relationships; -The second year of life of the newborn; -L'attaccamento; -Autoregulation and self-control; - Cognitive development; - The symbolization of the body; - Movement is life; - Psychophysiological aspects of the movement;
- Autore: Benedetto Toso “BACK SCHOOL - NECK SCHOOL - BONE SCHOOL”. Casa Editrice Edi-Ermes
- Autore: Pivetta S. Pivetta M. “TECNICA DELLA GINNASTICA MEDICA - SCOLIOSI”. Casa Editrice Edi-Ermes
- Autore: Pivetta S. Pivetta M. “TECNICA DELLA GINNASTICA MEDICA - Cifosi - Lordosi - Arti Inferiori". Casa Editrice Edi-Ermes
"Le prime relazioni del bambino” di Lynne Murray, Raffaello Cortina Editore;
“I volti del corpo”a cura di Marinella Coco e Valentina Perciavalle, Cavallotto Edizioni