SPS/08 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The Course aims to introduce the students to the dynamics of the Information World by helping them individuate the news sources, verify their reliability, singling out the most suitable forms of communication, and understand the role of journalists in the Era of Internet.

Course Structure

Frontal teaching


Detailed Course Content

The main characteristics of traditional journalism. The revolution of the information in the Era of Internet. Digital newspapers: benefits and limits. Photojournalism and investigative journalism. The Masters of contemporary journalism. The role of the newspapers in the contemporary History of Sicily.

Textbook Information

1) G. Di Fazio, La notizia diventa storia, Domenico Sanfilippo editore, 2016, pp. 102 ;

2) G. Di Fazio-G. Farkas, Un giornale, un’Isola, Salvatore Sciascia editore, 2005, pp. 185 ;

3) N. Milazzo, Il mio Novecento, Domenico Sanfilippo editore, 2017, pp. 206 ;

4) L. Salafia, Una forza di vita, Domenico Sanfilippo editore, 2017, pp. 95 ;

5) G. Schiavi, Meno male. Storie di piccoli eroi che trasformano il mondo, Sperling&Kupfer, Milano 2018, pp. 185.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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