L-LIN/21 - 9 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

At the end of the course the student will

1) get ability of some grammar aspects of Russian language;

2) get essential skills to face a different typically Russian culture and mentality through literature course presented in its development in different periods and different historical, social and cultural contexts. The most significant literary works will be analyzed in formal and the contents terms. The course will provide 1) to introduce some basic techniques of literary analysis; 2) a knowledge of certain works of the most significant writers of the 19th centurie in the original Russian. 3) an understanding of the context of Russia's social, political and cultural history.

3) will gain knowledge of worlds and expressions of communication in both formal and informal language in everyday life; will develop the communication skills, enrich the vocabulary and selecting appropriate expressions in specific context; will develop communication skills and become independent in conversations and speeches, applying the linguistic skills gained during the course.

4) improve written and oral language skills with specific focus on the writing ability of business and international economy language; student will practice exercises aimed to gain a solid general and specific knowledge of written and oral texts concerning the Russian language of business.

Course Structure


Detailed Course Content

1. Advanced Russian language Grammar;

1.a. Formation and functions of the active and passive participle, past and present (full and short forms);

1.b. Formation and function of the gerund;

1.c. Differences between the short- and long adjectives;

2. National mentality in Russian literature

2. a. Literary analysis of some most significant works;

2. b. Literary translation;

3. Figures of syntax and figure of speech in different communicative intentions in everyday life language;

3. a. The syntax of spoken Russian language;

3.b. Language tools and ways to express the most usual communicative intentions in spoken language;

4. Russian language for business communication.

Textbook Information

- Natalia Nikitina, Corso di russo, livelli B1-B2: Hoepli, 2016. – 337 p.

- Natalia Nikitina, Eserciziario di russo con soluzioni, livelli B1-B2: Hoepli, 2016. – 290 p.

- Claudia Cevese, Julia Dobrovolskaja, Emilia Magnanini, Grammatica russa. Seconda edizione. Hoepli, 2018. – 705 p.

- И. В. Вальченко, Я. Н. Прилуцкая Читаем тексты по литературе: учебн. пособие для иностранных учащихся подготовительного факультета (гуманитарный профиль) / Харьк. нац. акад. гор. хоз-ва. – Х.: ХНАГХ, 2012. – 103 p..

- Л.В. Баландина, З.Н.Полищук, С.А. Крапивная.Читаем и говорим по-русски.Книга для чтения.Ч.1. – Минск: МГЛУ, 2009, - 232 p.

- Новикова Н.С., Щербакова О. М. Синяя звезда: Рассказы и сказки русских и зарубежных писателей с заданиями и упражнениями: Учеб.пособие. – 6-е изд. – М.:Флинта: Наука, 2007.- 256 p.

- М.Ю.Лермонтов. Тамань.Aschehoug A/S. Denmark, 1976, - 46 p.

- Sintassi russa. Teoria ed esercizi. Claudia Cevese, Julia Dobrovolskaja. Hoepli, 2018, - 280 p.

- A как об этом сказать, Г.И. Володина, Т.Е. Акишина, Русский язык. Курсы, 2008. – 264 p.

- Т.Н. Базванова, Т.К. Орлова, Бизнес-корреспонденция: Пособие по обучению деловому письму, Русский язык. Курсы, 2009. p


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