M-STO/07 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester
Teaching Staff
Learning Objectives
The course aims to provide a theoretical framework and historical information on religious matters. After completing the course, students acquire skills in the interpretation of the relationship between religion and contemporary society.
Course Structure
The course includes a path in three stages:
- Learning of typological classifications of religious phenomena. It is a theoretical step, supported by exercises. The reference text is the first of module A [G. Filoramo, Che cos'è la religione. Temi metodi problemi, Einaudi 2004, cap. V (pp. 173-214)]. This is connected to this first stage an ongoing test, consisting of a test with both multiple and open answers, to be carried out in the first half of the course.
- Introduction to historiography of the history of religions. It is a step that provides a historiographical survey with the aid of anthological material and the identification of masters and schools that will be examined. The reference text is the second of module A [G. Filoramo, M. Massenzio, M. Raveri, P. Scarpi, Manuale di Storia delle religioni. Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1998 (201519), parte seconda (capp. XI-XII-XIII, pp.173-269) e parte quarta (capp. II-III-IV-V, pp.447-549)].
- Introduction to the theme of the monographic module (B): Religions and Gender. The lessons, accompanied by exercises or in-depth seminars, will focus on the two texts in the program, examining the gender perspective in Christian-Catholic theology and the gender issue in the anthropology of religions. This third stage is linked to an ongoing didactic test, scheduled towards the end of the course.
During the course will propose ideas and themes taken from the volumes proposed in module C, which the student will have to choose one to present / review during the final oral exam.
Detailed Course Content
The course program includes the study of the historical roots of religious traditions as a criterion for understanding the contemporary world. The first form (A) will concern the typological classification and a short history of studies on religious matters. A study will be dedicated to the relationship between religion and gender: case study will be the Catholic Religion with a theological and historical-anthropological approach (form B). Further ‘classic’ books will disclose other disciplinary perspectives of reading the religious phenomenon (form C).
Textbook Information
Form A (3 CFU): Religions and History
- G. Filoramo, Che cos'è la religione. Temi metodi problemi, Einaudi 2004, cap. V (pp. 173-214).
- G. Filoramo, M. Massenzio, M. Raveri, P. Scarpi, Manuale di Storia delle religioni. Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1998 (201519), parte seconda (capp. XI-XII-XIII, pp.173-269) e parte quarta (capp. II-III-IV-V, pp.447-549).
Form B (2 CFU): Religions and Gender
- S. Zorzi, Il genere di Dio. La Chiesa e la teologia alla prova del gender, La Meridiana 2017, pp.106.
- A.Fumagalli, La questione gender. Una sfida antropologia, Queriniana 2015, pp. 112.
Form C (2 CFU): Perspectives
Books (one choice):
- R. Otto, Il sacro, (trad. di E. Buonaiuti), SE 2009, pp. 196
- E. De Martino, Furore, simbolo, valore, Feltrinelli 2002, pp. 190.
- J. Assmann, Verso l’unico Dio. Da Ekhnaton a Mosè, Il Mulino 2018, pp. 225.
- G. Caramore, M. Ciampa, Croce e resurrezione, Il Mulino 2018, pp. 165.
- R. Pepicelli, Femminismo islamico. Corano, diritti, riforme, Carocci 2010, pp. 160.
- T. Forcades, Siamo tutti diversi! Per una teologia queer, Castelvecchi 2016, pp. 192.
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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.
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