SPS/08 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to outline a general theoretical framework within which communication is articulated both at a micro-interactive level and at a macro level in modern social systems, deepening the analysis of the meanings it assumes within the broader relationships between individual, society and culture.

Course Structure

frontal lessons

Detailed Course Content

The program aims to provide: - analytical skills for reading the functions of verbal communication. In this context the following will be taken into consideration: the axioms, the code, the structure and the typology of the sign (De Saussure and Peirce); the communication scheme according to Shannon and Weaver; The context and the interpretative process; the aberrant decoding (due to lack of code, due to unequal codes, for circumstantial interferences, to delegitimation of the issuer) the functions of Jakobson's communication emotional function; fatigue function; poetic function; metalinguistic function; referential or information function; conative function; the seductive circuit of communication by Ugo Volli; the application of the seductive circuit to fashion and advertising;

- analytical skills for the reading of body language, deepening the analysis of non-verbal elements of communication, which play a central role in the social behavior of the individual. Starting from the assumption that the language of the body is the basic element of every communicative event, from the simple presentation of an idea to the attempt to persuade the interlocutor or to understand what he really thinks, it will deepen: spatial behavior; the proxemics; body contact; posture; the logical signs; the analogical signs; the codification and decoding of emotions; the unconscious contents of non-verbal communication on the image of oneself and on interpersonal relationships; the gestures and expressions of the face in order to understand the non-verbal language of others and to dominate one's own.

- the analysis of advertising, a peculiar form of communication that will be analyzed trying to grasp its own structures and specific differences with respect to other forms of communication. To this end, the seductive circuit of communication, the messages and the formats of advertising will be investigated;

- an overview of the genesis and expansion of mass media in terms of technological innovations and socio-cultural changes, also investigating the structure, organization and content of the media; deepening the criteria that influence the selection of events that become news; In this context we will take into consideration: the framing of the news; the methodological aspects of research on newsmaking; the news; the values ​​and the structure of the news;

- The analysis of the image and of the iconic representation of the news that generates a filtered definition of the reality of the media, analyzing the latter according to their role as agents of reduction / amplification of the perception of risk. In this context the communication catastrophe, the information surplus and the ripple effect will be explored. .- a deepening of the issue concerning the media system as a powerful agent for defining reality that acts on social perception, providing the interpretative keys that direct attention and shape knowledge. The social representation of risks is, in fact, influenced by the media that condition its processes and hierarchies, reconstructing the symbolic universe for their evaluation. In this frame of reference, a central dimension for effective risk management will be explored: communication in emergencies in risk situations, with particular reference to the case study of the Costa Concordia shipwreck

Textbook Information

D. McQuail: Sociologia dei media, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2007

CAP. 1 - Introduzione

CAP. 3 - Concetti e modelli per la comunicazione

CAP. 4 - Teorie dei media e teorie della società

CAP. 12 - Il contenuto dei media: problemi, concetti e metodi di analisi

CAP.14 - Tradizioni teoriche e di ricerca

CAP. 15 - La formazione del pubblico e l’esperienza mediale

CAP. 16 - La ricerca sugli effetti

CAP. 17 - Effetti socio-culturali

CAP.18 - Informazione, opinione pubblica e comunicazione politica


U. Volli, Il libro della comunicazione, Il saggiatore, Milano, 1994

CAP. 1: Sei concetti di comunicazione. pp. 21-42

Par.1.2 - Gli elementi della comunicazione

Par. 1.2.1 - Le funzioni della comunicazione

Par. 1.3 - Il circuito seduttivo

Par.1.4 - La comunicazione delegata

Par. 1.4.1 - Un modello complesso

Par. 1.4.2 - La comunicazione amplificata

Par. 1.5 - Terzo concetto: comunicare è mettere in comune

Par. 1.5.1 - Competenza comunicativa

Par: 1.6 - Quarto concetto: Comunicare come inferenza

Par. 1.7 - Quinto concetto: comunicazione come scambio

Par. 1.7.1 - Negoziato

Par. -1.8 - Sesto concetto: Comunicazione come emerneutica

Par. 1.8.1 – Uso e interpretazione

CAP. 10 - Pubblicità. pp. 243- 260

Par. 10.1 - La comunicazione pubblicitaria

Par. 10.1.1 - Tipologie della comunicazione pubblicitaria

Par. 10.2 - Marketing

Par. 10.3 - Messaggi pubblicitari

Par. 10.3.1 - Formati pubblicitari

Par. 10.4 - Registri visivo e musicale

Par. 10.4.1 - Retorica pubblicitaria

Par. 10.4.2 - Il registro musicale

Par. 10.5 - Lo schema riassuntivo

Par. 10.6 - Analisi semiotica dei valori pubblicitari

Par. 10.7 - Merci

Par. 10.7.1 – Il consumo produttivo

M. Argyle, Il corpo e il suo linguaggio. Studio sulla comunicazione non verbale. Zanichelli, 1992

CAP. 5 L’espressione dell’emozione. pp.70-83

CAP. 6 La comunicazione degli atteggiamenti interpersonali pp.84-101

CAP. 8 L’espressione del volto. pp. 118-135

CAP. 12 Gesti e movimenti del corpo. pp.184-198

Cap.13 la postura. pp. 199- 209

II Modulo

F.A.M. Caruso, Riflessioni sui mass media tra masticazione informativa e funzione civica, Annali 2010” Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, Università di Catania 2011. pp. 154-169 pp. 1-17

F.A.M. Caruso, Il naufragio della Costa Concordia, Bonanno, Acireale-Roma, 2012.

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