MAT/07 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide foundations, concepts and complex and rational mechanical analysis methods, that are necessary for the understanding of topics that will be introduced and developed in other courses of the degree course.

Course Structure

Lectures and exercises in the classroom.

Detailed Course Content

Mathematical methods for engineering: elements of a complex variable, Laplace transforms, Fourier series, Fourier transform, introduction to the theory of distributions. Rational mechanics: theory of vectors and vector analysis, kinematic of points, rigid and articulated bodies, geometry of the masses, the general principles of mechanics, dynamics of material systems, rigid and articulated, analytical mechanical elements.

Textbook Information

  1. V. Romano, Metodi matematici per i corsi di ingegneria, Città Studi edizioni, 2018.
  2. F. Mugelli e M. Spadini, Metodi matematici, Esculapio, Bologna, 2013.
  3. V. Franceschini e C. Vernia, Meccanica razionale per l'Ingegneria, Pitagora. Bologna, 2011.
  4. G. Frosali e E. Minguzzi, Meccanica Razionale per l'Ingegneria, Esculapio. Bologna, 2011.
  5. B. D'Acunto e P. Massarotti, Meccanica razionale per l'ingegneria, Maggioli, Santangelo di Romagna, 2016.
  6. G. Frosali e F. Ricci, Esercizi di meccanica razionale, Esculapio, Bologna, 2013.
  7. Notes distributed by the teacher.

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