BIO/12 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Course Structure

Frontal lessons with use of slides

Detailed Course Content

Structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes; mitochondrial and chloroplastic DNA replication. The concept of gene and genes in eukaryotes. Damage and repair of DNA. Transcription. Different DNA polymerases and their role. Transcription of the different RNAs; mechanisms of splicing and alternative splicing. Different RNA polymerases and their role. miRNA, siRNA, nRNA and iRNA. Translation: degeneration of the genetic code and its non-universality. Inhibitors of Replication , translation and transcription.

Main methodologies used for the structural and functional analysis of biological macromolecules, in particular proteins and enzymes and their applications.

Immunochemical techniques. Cell culture techniques. Isolation of DNA and RNA, spectrophotometric quantification of DNA and RNA and their manipulations. Isolation of human genomic DNA from traces of biological samples. Overview of: electrophoretic techniques on agarose and polyacrylamide gels for the separation and study of nucleic acids and proteins and their application for bio-medical research; techniques widely used in clinical biochemistry, forensics and in occupational medicine: blotting techniques; ELISA; PCR, RFLP, RAPD;

Comet assay to study single cell DNA damage and shelter capacity.

Genome complexity and C paradox. New generation sequencing: NGS. CGHarray and study of the whole and / or clinical exome, their importance in the 4P medicine ;

Epigenetics: its roles, how to modulate it and its trans and intergenerational inheritance. Importance of human microbiota and viroma. Interrelations between epigenetics and microbiota; roles of intestinal microbiota and study / use of biomarkers. Laboratory diagnostics in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases and pleitropic roles of vit. D.

Biomarkers in oncology and liquid biopsies.

Outline of cell culture techniques and participation in some laboratory activities.

Textbook Information

  1. R.R. Holmes, J,Weyers, A.,Jones: METODOLOGIE DI BASE PER LE SCIENZE BIOMOLECOLARI,Ed. Zanichelli 2008;
  1. Damiano Galimberti et al. Nutrigenomica ed epigenetica. Dalla Biologia alla clinica. EdRa 2017
  1. Dai J Dale, et al Geni ai Genomi . Edises 2013
  2. M. Ciaccio, G. Lippi Biochimica Clinica e Medicina di Laboratorio. EDISES 2017
  3. Biologia molecolare –EDISES 2016
  4. Geoffrey M. Cooper ; “ La cellula. Un approccio molecolare. Piccin 2011


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