SPS/08 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to outline a general theoretical framework within which communication is articulated both at a micro-interactive level and at a macro level in modern social systems, deepening the analysis of the meanings it assumes within the broader relationships between individual, society and culture.

Detailed Course Content

The program aims to provide: - a profile of the main trends that distinguish the literature on the theories on the effects of the media, also investigating the problem of the influence of the same on their users. - the analysis of non-verbal communication that plays a central role in the social behavior of the individual. Starting from the assumption that the language of the body is the basic element of every communicative event, from the simple presentation of an idea to the attempt to persuade the interlocutor or to understand what he really thinks, spatial behavior, bodily contact, will deepen. posture, gestures and facial expressions in order to understand the non-verbal language of others and to dominate one's own. - the analysis of advertising, a peculiar form of communication that will be analyzed trying to grasp its own structures and specific differences with respect to other forms of communication. To this end, the seductive circuit of communication, the messages and the formats of advertising will be deepened. - the acquisition of the theoretical knowledge necessary for understanding the news genre, as an original contribution of the mass media to cultural forms of expression and as a central activity of legitimizing the journalistic profession, deepening the criteria that influence the selection of events that become news; - the analysis of the dynamics that lead the crowds that lead to phenomena of collective panic with the aim of understanding how to manage the emergency through communication in the emergency.

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