ICAR/17 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

This course aims to help the student in acquiring the ability to visualize analytically the idea and the design process, in its ideational and realization phases: from the choice of the design field to reference scenarios, to the elaboration of the concept, to the levels of simulation and expression of communicative artifacts.

The knowledge and skills relevant to the visual languages, as well as the cultures and the representation that are the basis of the construction of appropriate expressive modes, are therefore fundamental.

Consequently, the course aims to provide students with theoretical and practical notions for image processing and communication, objectively.

Detailed Course Content

The course introduces and develops in depth the use of visual languages ​​and related tools and techniques aimed at the morphological, material and functional representation of the concept through the development and interpretation of perceptive mechanisms and chromatic systems. The main objective is to integrate communication skills with the ability to translate elements of analysis and synthesis of the conforming route into the visual plane.

The scope visual cultures is explored by deepening the use of languages ​​and related tools and techniques concerning the morphological representation of communicative art, from manual drawing to digital representation, from photography to production of simulation models and prototypes.

Methodological tools for reading and interpreting visual languages ​​are also provided, focusing on digital imaging and manipulation techniques and knowledge of perceptive mechanisms.

In addition to the theoretical training course, the course includes design exercises related to editorial graphics and advertising graphics.

Textbook Information

D. Baroni, Il manuale del Designer Grafico,Longanesi, 2006
D. Dabner, S. Stewart, E. Zempol, Graphic Design, Hoepli,2015
G. Fioravanti, Il nuovo Manuale del Grafico, Zanichelli, 2002
A. Frutiger, Segni & Simboli, Stampa Alternativa, 2016
B. Munari, Design e comunicazione visiva, Editori Laterza, 2010.

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