L-OR/07 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course has as its objective the introduction to the varied linguistic complexity of the semitic Near East. Furthermore, it will offer a basic approach to a new semitic language, biblical hebrew.

Therefore, students will be able to place the main semitic languages in time and space; explain orally the knowledge gained on the semitic languages in their general peculiarity; read and analyze simple hebrew texts from the Bible shown during classes, interpret and analyze them.

Detailed Course Content

The first part of the course offers a general introduction to the study of semitic languages through their formation and their chronological development, and also through their historical and geographical diffusion. The Analysis of the fundamentals of comparative semitic linguistics and the problems about the linguistic classification will be investigated through the writing systems, phonology, morphology and syntax.

The second part of the course will focus on the analysis of biblical texts in hebrew. Introduction to the Study of Biblical Hebrew: basic elements of phonology, morphology and syntax.

Textbook Information

General section:


Hebrew grammar:


Original language texts:

Selection of hebrew texts chosen by the teacher.


Integration for non-attending students:

and a second text to be chosen among:

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