BIO/12 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Improving the preparation of the basic and applied biology regarding to physio-pathological processes at the molecular, cellular and systemic level;
Provide practical and theoretical knowledge of the main biochemical methods aimed at structural and functional characterization of biological macromolecules.

Theoretical acquisition of biomolecular techniques.

Acquisition of knowledge on modern methods applied to diagnostics, for typing varieties individuals and species.

Knowledge of the basic methods useful for the scientific investigation and for the existing/innovative technologies management in the field of biology applied to the study of cell systems and animals , bio-medical research, clinical diagnostics, forensic and laboratory medicine;
Stimulating the acquisition of epistemological method that achieves critical skills, the analysis of research projects, protocols and experimental results, the organization and methods of scientific knowledge, as well as the teamwork

Detailed Course Content

Structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes; replication of mitochondrial DNA and chloroplast. Different DNA polymerases and their role. The concept of the gene and the genes in eukaryotes. The damage and DNA repair. Transcription of different RNA; of splicing and alternative splicing. Different RNA polymerases and their role. miRNA, siRNA, RNAi and nRNA. Heritable and transgenerational epigenetic. Role in clinical and molecular biochemistry

Translation: the degeneration of the genetic code and not universality of the genetic code . Synthesis of proteins, proteasoma and role of peroxisome. Inhibitors of replication, transcription and translation. Techniques of cell cultures. Main methods used for structural and functional analysis of biological macromolecules, particularly proteins and enzymes and their applications. Immunochemical techniques.


Isolation of DNA and RNA, spectrophotometric quantification of DNA and RNA extracts and their manipulations. DNA isolation from human biological samples. Enzymes of DNA modification. cDNA and observations about molecular carriers.

The complexity of the genome

Fundamental principles and the gene cloning and DNA analysis applications: expression analysis and gene function. Electrophoretic techniques: agarose and polyacrylamide gel separation in the study of nucleic acids and proteins ; their application in bio-medical and clinical research. Techniques used in clinical biochemistry, forensic field and in occupational medicine, ai it may be: blotting techniques ; ELISA; PCR, RFLP, RAPD; Comet assay to study single cell DNA damage and repair capacity.

Overview on CGHarray and exome studies: their importance in the 4P medicine

Textbook Information

G. KARP, curato da E. Ginelli; “Biologia molecolare e cellulare”, EdiSES 2010

Geoffrey M. Cooper ; “ La cellula. Un approccio molecolare. Piccin 2011

J Dale, M.von Schantz, N. Plant ; “Dai Geni ai Genomi” Edises 2013

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