Diritto regionale

IUS/08 - 7 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Course Structure

Frontal lessons; jurisprudential cases submitted for examination by students in the classroom; recording of lessons.

Attendance of lessons is highly recommended.

If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote way, the necessary changes may be introduced with respect to what was previously stated, in order to respect the program envisaged and reported in the Syllabus.

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Detailed Course Content

The course aims to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of regional political decentralization, with particular attention to the organization and the various forms of autonomy recognized by the Regions. The examination of these elements will take place within an adequate theoretical, comparative and historical reference framework, also taking into account the main arrests of the constitutional jurisprudence intervened to settle the dispute that has seen opposing Government and territorial autonomies.

Textbook Information

1. R. Bin, G. Falcon (a cura di), Diritto regionale, Bologna 2018, with the exception of chapter I;


2. T. Martines, A. Ruggeri, C. Salazar, A. Morelli, Lineamenti di diritto regionale, Milan 2019.

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