IUS/16 - 7 CFU - 1° semestre

Docente titolare dell'insegnamento


Obiettivi formativi

Knowledge and comprehension
Students will gain understanding of the most relevant measures of judicial cooperation in criminal matters, both at international and European level. Students will get familiar with the general principles of judicial cooperation and the most typical institutions of extradition and mutual legal assistance. They will also develop the ability to critically interpret and analyse laws, conventions and the supranational case-law. This ability will allow students to apply principles and measures that have been the object of the module to practical cases. The achievement of these objectives will be tested by an examination.
Ability to apply knowledge and comprehension
Students will master principles and measures of judicial cooperation in criminal matters. Students will be able to articulate and examine, in a critical way, solutions elaborated by scholars and the jurisprudence, and will be able to elaborate personal solutions to the problems dealt with. The objectives of the module will be pursued by frontal lectures and exercises on practical cases. The achievement of these objectives will be tested by a final examination.
Making judgements
Students will be able to combine theoretical knowledge with resolution of practical cases. Students will also develop the ability to critically analyse the most important institutions of judicial cooperation and to elaborate autonomous opinions on current issues concerning transnational criminal justice. To this end, much relevance will be given to exercises on practical cases and much attention will be paid to international and supranational criminal policies.
Communication skills
Students will be able to communicate their knowledge of principles of judicial cooperation, their analysis of the main institutions dealt with in class, and their opinion during debates with the lecturer and other students, in a clear way. To this end, special focus will be given to the use of appropriate legal language.
Learning skills
Students will develop the skill to learn fundamental principles and institutions of judicial cooperation through the use of the most relevant legal sources, both national and international/supranational. Such learning skill will be useful to develop the necessary autonomy to take up a career.

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