SCIENZE BIOMEDICHE E BIOTECNOLOGICHEMedical BiotechnologiesAcademic Year 2022/2023


Teacher: Paolo SILVESTRI

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course is concerned with the analysis of the regulation of biomedical practices resulting from advances in knowledge and technology. In particular, the relationships between law and science, the bioethical status of the body (res, information, identity, energy), and the different qualifications of the subject of law (personal, narrative, social, managerial identity) are examined.

The course aims to accustom students to:

(a) examine the possible implications of an ethical problem and its legal implications;

(b) identify and distinguish different cultural premises;

(c) develop coherent and persuasive arguments.

Course Structure

Frontal/traditional teaching with the support of slides.

Equivalent teaching activities through video/movie screening and discussion of bioethics issues.

Required Prerequisites


Attendance of Lessons


The exam program for attending students moves from what is presented in class and summarized in specific slides. The slides are posted on the "studium" platform sufficiently in advance to enable each student to attend class with a prior knowledge of the topics that will be covered.

During the lectures, outside experts will be heard on issues strictly pertaining to the practice of medicine, and films and videos dealing with the most dramatic bioethical issues will be shown.

Thus, attending lectures implies a different way of studying the subject than simply reading a text. It is a more problematic and critical study, with more reference to the contours of technoscience.

For attending students, the exam is partially different from the one that non-attending students will take, as is also evident from the reference texts.

Detailed Course Content

Principles of bioethics: morality and morals

Deontology and fundamental rights

Law and science

Human identity and legal identity

Law and the body

The right to exist: status of the human embryo, assisted reproduction, cloning, eugenics.

Study of regulations and rulings on medically assisted procreation 

Textbook Information

F. D’Agostino, L. Palazzani, Bioetica, Brescia, La Scuola, 2013, Parte I Capp. 1 e 2; Parte II Cap. 1


Slides and other short texts to be read before class (e.g., chapters, articles, videos, news articles, debates, etc.), will be made available on the "Studium" platform well in advance.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral Exam

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Examination questions usually move from the paragraph headings of the adopted texts

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