AGRICOLTURA, ALIMENTAZIONE E AMBIENTE (Di3A)Agricultural Science and TechnologyAcademic Year 2022/2023


Teacher: Giuseppe TIMPANARO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The student acquires the basic tools for the knowledge of the market for agricultural and food products in the context of economic systems developed, as well as the skills necessary to analyze development strategies and models of marketing in the competitive market.
At the end of the course the student will be able to develop a business marketing plan, an indispensable tool for access to the financial resources available in the programming of European Funds.

1) knowledge and understanding 

Students acquire knowledge and the ability to understand the specificities of the agri-food system, with reference to the complexity of the organisation of the supply system and the expectations of modern consumers. In particular, they will know and understand the complexity of the relationships that are established between the enterprises operating in the supply chains, as well as applying the principles of marketing to the agri-food productions carried out in the enterprises within the reference environment.

2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding

Students will be able to appropriately and critically apply the knowledge acquired to analyse, understand and apply the principles of marketing to businesses in the agri-food system.

3) autonomy of judgement

Students will be able to connect in integrated and unitary schemes the knowledge of the various elements acquired during the course and to confront the complexity of real problems autonomously and with their own judgement. They will, therefore, be able to judge the most suitable solutions to improve the competitiveness of agri-food products or the opportunities and threats to the competitive positioning of agri-food companies on the market.

4) Communication skills

Students must acquire clear, effective and precise communication skills, thanks to a good command of the vocabulary of the discipline taught during the Course

5) learning skills

Students will have acquired the ability to undertake subsequent study of marketing principles and their application in other sectors and/or to acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities through professional and work experience within organisations operating in the agri-food system.

Course Structure

Lectures, exercises, practical applications

The course is structured in 56 hours of which 28 hours of lectures and 28 hours of exercises. The exercises consist of individual and group work and/or in-depth seminars.

Tools to support teaching

Blackboard, videoprojector, computer, internet access. All lessons are held with the help of presentations in ppt

If teaching is given in a mixed formula or remotely, necessary changes may be introduced to what was previously stated in order to comply with the provided and reported  syllabus.

Learning assessment may be done remotely if necessary.

As a guarantee of equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on their specific needs and on teaching objectives of the discipline. 

It is also possible to ask the departmental contacts of CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Integration - Services for Disabilities and/or DSAs), in the persons of professors Giovanna Tropea Garzia and Anna De Angelis.

Detailed Course Content

Agri-food Supply and Demand Analysis. Market Structure and Pricing. Models of Trade. Commercial Policy. Agriculture and Agri-food System in Domestic and International Trade. Characteristics of the Associate-Economic System. The Marketing. General Analysis of the Market. Informative System of Market. Strategic Marketing. Operational Marketing. Politics of the Distribution. Politics of the Price. Politics of Promotion. Politics of the Product. Marketing Plan.

Textbook Information

1. Messori F., Ferretti F. Economia del mercato agro-alimentare, 2010, EDAGRICOLE, Bologna.

2. PAUL PETER J.,- JAMES H. DONNELLY jr: Marketing. McGraw-Hill, Milano.

3. Publications distributed during the course

4. Additional text for ERASMUS's students: Philip KotlerKevin Lane Keller. “Marketing Management, Global Edition”. Pearson Education Limited. EAN: 9781292092621.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Inquadramento generale, contenuti del corso e metodo di studioTesto 1: cap 1 Testo 2: cap 1
2Mercato all’origine e domanda dei prodotti agroalimentariTesto 1: cap. 2 + cap. 3
3Strumenti interpretativi del sistema agroalimentare italianoTesto 1: cap. 2 Materiale del docente reperibile su STUDIUM
4Esercitazione sulla struttura dell’agricoltura e dell’industria agroalimentare italiana e sui relativi caratteri evolutiviMateriale del docente reperibile su STUDIUM
5Funzioni e servizi dei mercati, fasi della distribuzione, forme del commercio dei prodotti agroalimentari, operatori commerciali e funzioni svolteTesto 1: cap. 2 Materiale del docente reperibile su STUDIUM
6Esercitazione sul ruolo, funzioni ed autorità della distribuzione organizzata nel moderno sistema agroalimentare, sulla logistica agroalimentare e sulle forme d’integrazione nell’ambito della supply chain agroalimentareMateriale del docente reperibile su STUDIUM
7Sistema informativo di marketingTesto 2: cap. 2
8Ricerche di mercato: obiettivi, metodi e strumentiTesto 2: cap. 1
9Il comportamento d’acquisto del consumatoreTesto 2: cap. 3
10Esercitazione sul ruolo del marketing nel contesto aziendale Materiale del docente reperibile su STUDIUM
11Esercitazione sulle fonti di dati primari e secondari utili nel Marketing, sui modelli di analisi, sulla progettazione di un S.I.M., sui metodi di campionamento e ricerche di mercato on-line (e-research)Materiale del docente reperibile su STUDIUM
12Pianificazione strategica dell’impresaTesto 2: cap. 1
13Strumenti per l’individuazione del mercato di riferimento (segmenti esistenti o potenziali) e per l’acquisizione e/o mantenimento di un vantaggio competitivo per l’impresa agroalimentare. I mercati a termineTesto 2: cap. 5
14Marketing operativo: strategie e strumentiTesto 2: cap. 2 Materiale del docente reperibile su STUDIUM
15Politica del prodotto ed analisi del ciclo di vita Testo 2: cap. 6
16Esercitazione sulla gestione del portafoglio prodotti e sulla politica di posizionamentoTesto 2: cap. 5 Materiale del docente reperibile su STUDIUM
17Esercitazione sui fattori di scelta dei canali di distribuzione, copertura del mercato e politiche di sviluppo delle vendite Testo 2: cap. 10 Materiale del docente reperibile su STUDIUM
18Esercitazione sul marketing mixTesto 2: Pag. 127 Materiale del docente reperibile su STUDIUM
19Esercitazione sul prezzo e relative strategie per l’impresa agroalimentareTesto 2: cap. 11 Materiale del docente reperibile su STUDIUM
20Esercitazione sul business plan, relativa simulazione nell’ambito delle imprese agroalimentari con riguardo al mix delle strategie di MarketingMateriale del docente reperibile su STUDIUM
21Esercitazione sulle strategie promozionali e sulla comunicazioneMateriale del docente reperibile su STUDIUM
22Costruzione di un piano di MarketingTesto 2: pag. 363 Materiale del docente reperibile su STUDIUM

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The examination will be carried out by means of:

- written in itinere test (S)

- final oral examination with possible presentation of a case study (O)

The learning assessment may also be conducted electronically, should the conditions require it.

The learning assessment is conducted by means of an oral interview. The assessment of the student's preparation will be based on the following criteria: the student's ability to learn and the level of in-depth study of the topics covered, the student's ability to summarise and expound, and the student's reasoning ability.

The grading follows the following scheme:


Knowledge and understanding of topic: Significant deficiencies. Significant inaccuracies 

Ability to analyse and synthesise: Irrelevant. Frequent generalisations. Inability to summarise

Use of references: Completely inappropriate


Subject knowledge and understanding: At threshold level. Obvious imperfections 

Capacity for analysis and synthesis: Barely sufficient capacity 

Use of references: Barely appropriate


Knowledge and understanding of the subject matter: Routine Knowledge Ability to analyse and synthesise: Is able to analyse and synthesise correctly. Argues logically and coherently 

Use of references: Uses standard references


Knowledge and understanding of subject matter: Good knowledge 

Analysis and synthesis abilities: Has good analysis and synthesis abilities. Arguments are expressed coherently 

Use of references: Uses standard references


Knowledge and understanding of the subject: Knowledge more than good

Capacity for analysis and synthesis: Has considerable capacity for analysis and synthesis

Use of references: Has deepened the arguments


Knowledge and understanding of the subject: Very good knowledge

Capacity for analysis and synthesis: Has considerable capacity for analysis and synthesis.

Use of references: Has significant in-depth knowledge.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

1 The candidate illustrates the agri-food system and its articulation into subsystems

2 The candidate illustrates the role of analytical marketing and strategic and operational marketing in the decision-making process of the enterprise

3 The candidate defines the strategic choices in product policy

Versione in italiano