SCIENZE CHIMICHEIndustrial ChemistryAcademic Year 2022/2023



Expected Learning Outcomes

The target of the course is to give a more inside knowledge of the Organic Chemistry respect to the first course, in particular relating to the chemical properties and reactivity. The main topics of the course will be carbohydrates, aminoacids and peptides, lipids, heterocycles. The course includes also 2 CFU of laboratory. During this activity, the target of the course will be the knowledge of the laboratory glass, and the ability to start a chemical reaction. Furthermore, the final target will be the use of some spectroscopic techniques, such as NMR, UV and IR, to establish the chemical structure of a unknown compound.

Course Structure

The course is divided into two parts: frontal lessons (in classroom) and laboratory activity. The frequency is mandatory.

Required Prerequisites

The acquisition of the objectives relating to the following disciplines is required: General and Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry I

Detailed Course Content

Textbook Information

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Enoli ed enolatiBrown, appunti di lezione
2COMPOSTI CARBONILICI alfa-beta INSATURIBrown, appunti di lezione
3EterocicliciBrown, appunti di lezione
4CarboidratiBrown, appunti di lezione
5Amminoacidi e proteineBrown, appunti di lezione
6Reazioni PericiclicheBrown, appunti di lezione
7OrganometallicaBruice, appunti di lezione
8Acidi NucleiciBrown, appunti di lezione
9Metodi fisici in Chimica OrganicaR.M. Silverstein, F.X. Webster, Identificazione Spettroscopica di Composti Organici,

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam will be taken orally. The exam topics will be strictly related to those developed during the lessons.

All the topics covered are considered essential for passing the exam. The laboratory experiences carried out will also be subject to application during the exam. For each laboratory experience, the student must submit a detailed report within 7 days of the exam date, which is also subject to evaluation during the exam.

Verification of learning can also be carried out electronically, should the conditions require it.

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