SCIENZE DELLA FORMAZIONEPedagogical sciences and educational planningAcademic Year 2022/2023



Expected Learning Outcomes

The main objective is the achievement of a B1 level of linguistic, communicative and cultural competence of the Common European Framework of Reference for Foreign Languages (CEFR). The course will focus on the development of the four linguistic abilities, oral and written comprehension and production.

Course Structure

The proposed teaching methods will mainly be traditional lessons for the presentation of linguistic aspects and active teaching to stimulate motivation, participation and communication in Spanish language 

Required Prerequisites

It would be recommended to have a knowledge of the language of at least level A1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Foreign Languages. 

Attendance of Lessons

Given the communicative approach of the teaching, attendance of the course is highly recommended, as well as the lessons of the native speaker.

Detailed Course Content

The first part of the course will be centred on Spanish grammar, level B1 of the Common Frame of Reference for Foreign Languages. Classroom work will focus on particular aspects of Hispanic culture. Finally, a dedicated seminar will focus on Neuroeducation.

Students are expected to be able to: understand messages, interact and express opinions, recognise grammatical and syntactic structures, explain present, past and future events, read, analyse and comment on texts, comprehensively re-use information found in texts.

Textbook Information

AA.VV. Gramática básica del estudiante de español A1-B2 (nueva edición revisada). Difusión

A. González Hermoso. Conjugar verbos de España y de América. Edelsa

A. Álvarez Martínez - S. Adeva Merino - S. Bueno Perucha, 2020. Curso de cultura. Anaya ELE

F. Mora Teruel, 2018. Neuroeducación. Solo se puede aprender aquello que se ama. Madrid: Alianza Editorial (lettura guidata)

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The acquired linguistic and communicative skills and the achieved level of metalinguistic competence will be verified through a written test (propaedeutic for the oral test) and an oral exam. The written examination consists of consists of comprehension of a text with true/false or multiple choice questions and multiple-choice tests to verify grammar, lexical and functional competence, as well as a direct translation exercise. The oral test will focus on a conversation about the course content.

Versione in italiano