SCIENZE UMANISTICHEPhilosophical ScienceAcademic Year 2022/2023



Expected Learning Outcomes

1) Knowledge and understanding:

the students will be enabled to learn new aspects of medieval civilization and will fully understand the reading and interpretation of medieval documentary sources.


2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:

the students will apply the knowledge acquired during the lessons by carrying out an ongoing verification test and the final exam. During the lessons, the students will be put in a position to fully understand (and without any difficulty) unpublished aspects of the medieval era and to apply these skills in carrying out the exam.


3) Autonomy of judgment:

The students will study the discipline on texts characterized by linearity of presentation and clarity in learning. Starting from the texts on the program, the teacher will, in each lesson, encourage the learner's criticality and autonomy of judgment.


4) Communication skills:

The lessons and the teaching activity carried out by the teacher will be aimed at probing the communication skills of the learners, obtained through the active participation of the latter in the lessons. The teacher will stimulate in the learners that mastery in the communication and transmission of historical knowledge, which in the years to come they will pour into their work experience.


5) Learning skills:

The adoption of texts deeply meditated on by the teacher will have as a fundamental objective the learning of a working method to be transferred, once the Master's Degree has been obtained, in the workplace. During the lessons, numerous tools will be provided to the learner, such as summary diagrams and chronological tables, in order to facilitate the learning skills of the discipline.

Course Structure

The teaching will be given through lectures, in which every aspect will be developed to fully understand unpublished aspects of medieval civilization. The projection of themed films and the dissemination of auxiliary tools such as summary diagrams and chronological tables, will aim at the development of an educational method that learners will adopt in their future work experiences.

Required Prerequisites

Basis Knowledge about the History of the Middle Age (V-XVI centuries).

Attendance of Lessons

Lectures or equivalent activities: 36 Hours.

Detailed Course Content

Description of teaching and transmission of knowledge in the Medieval Period) (V-XVI centuries), with focussing on the monastery as propagator of culture and knowledge.

Textbook Information

General course (3 CFU). Textbook:


Pierre Riché Jacques Verger, Nani sulle spalle di giganti. Maestri e allievi nel Medioevo, Jaca Book, Milano 2011, pp. 300.



Monographic Study (3 CFU). Textbook:


Pietro Lippini, La vita quotidiana di un convento medievale, Edizioni Studio Domenicano, Bologna 2008, pp. 1-320.



Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The assessment of the exam account the mastery of the contents and the skills acquired, the linguistic accuracy and lexical properties, and the candidates argumentative ability.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

The candidate describes the organization and functioning of the Carolingian Empire;

The candidate should study the biography of Frederick II of Swabia (1194-1250), with particular attention to the cultural policy adopted by the Emperor.

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