SCIENZE DELLA FORMAZIONEPedagogical sciences and educational planningAcademic Year 2022/2023



Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to provide theoretical knowledge and methodological skills aimed at designing and organizing educational research activities in educational contexts. Students and students at the end of the course should know the main approaches and models of design and organization of activities and educational research, techniques and tools suitable for their evaluation.

Course Structure

The conduct of the lectures will be in a mixed mode: the first part of the course will be conducted according to active teaching practices with laboratory exercises, which will have an exclusively formative function (they will affect teaching, not the final grade), the second part of the course will be conducted according to the flipped classroom teaching approach in fulfillment of the international teaching experiment in which the teaching falls (Erasmus+ Research Project Task 21, Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. Strategic Partnerships in the field of higher education. Topic: EdTech & AI: Creating pedagogical material for the 21st century; resolution of the Cds Pedagogical Sciences and Educational Design of 10.09.2019

Required Prerequisites

No one

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance at the lectures is not mandatory, but strongly recommended as it allows a greater understanding of the characteristics of the educational experimentation under which the teaching falls.

Detailed Course Content

The topics to be discussed and studied are: approaches and models of design and educational research; the design of research phases in educational and training contexts; the design of flipped classroom paths in university contexts; didactic technologies in university contexts; design of e-learning paths; analysis of reflective, empirical and scientific thinking according to John Dewey.  Furthermore, examples of research, experiences and tools applied in different educational contexts will be presented.

Textbook Information

- Cecconi L. (ed.), Intento e azione nella progettazione educativa, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2012, pp.240

-  Bevilacqua A., Flipped learning in ambito universitario, Pensa MultiMedia, Lecce, 2018, pp. 239.

- Ardizzone P., Rivoltella P. C., Didattiche per l’e-learning. Metodi e strumenti per l’innovazione dell’insegnamento universitario, Carocci, Roma, p. 147.

- Dewey J., Come Pensiamo, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 2019, p. 277.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Progettazione in contesti educativi e formativiPrima parte di Intento e azione nella progettazione educativa
2Valutazione di progettiSeconda parte di Intento e azione nella progettazione educativa
3Tecnologie didattiche e sistema formativo universitario Prima parte Didattiche per l'e-learning
4Scenari, figure e funzioni nell'e-learningSeconda parte Didattiche per l'e-learning
5Caratteristiche dell'approccio flippedPrima parte Flipped learning in ambito universitario
6Sperimentazioni di pratiche flipped in contesti universitariSeconda parte Flipped learning in ambito universitario
7Analisi del pensiero riflessivoPrima parte Come pensiamo
8L'educazione del pensieroSeconda parte Come pensiamo

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The examination will be conducted orally. The evaluation criteria for the oral examination are as follows:

Should conditions require it, the verification of learning may be conducted electronically.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

What is meant by instructional design

Classification of educational and training contexts

Peculiarities of the flipped classroom approach

Characteristics of e-learning didactics 

Reflective thinking and empirical thinking according to John Dewey

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