Teacher: Michele Giuseppe MALGERI

Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and understanding abilities

Applying knowledge and understanding abilities

Ability of making judgements

Communication skills

Course Structure

The course is organized into elementary didactic units based on the contents and skills to be developed.

The course includes lectures as the main teaching method. Lectures are accompanied by exercise sessions are designed with the aim of acquiring the basic theoretical knowledge and all the syntactic elements, acquiring the ability to solve problems, applying the knowledge, using development environments and methodologies.

The teacher also proposes individual exercises that consist in solving a problem that the student is asked to face with autonomously and subsequently solved and discussed in class.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.


Detailed Course Content

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Textbook Information

[Be] Belagurusamy. Programming in ANSI C McGraw-Hill

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1UDE 1 (competenze minime): Rappresentazione dei numeri interi e dei numeri reali. Algebra di boole, funzione ed espressioni logicheAppunti del docente - [Pel] Capitolo 1, [Pel] Appendice C - [BeGu] Capitolo 1, 2 [BeGu] App. D, E
2UDE 1: Cenni sui sistemi di elaborazione; Traduzione ed esecuzione dei programmi; Ambiente di Programmazione; Linguaggi di Programmazione; Operazioni tra numeri binari; Codifica dei caratterippunti del docente - [Pel] Capitolo 1, [Pel] Appendice C - [BeGu] Capitolo 1, 2 [BeGu] App. D, E
3UDE 2: Tipo di dato principale; Identificatori; Variabili; Modificatori di Accesso; Specificatori di classe di memorizzazione; Costanti; Operatori; Strutture di Controllo; Istruzioni di selezione, di iterazione, di salto, di espressione, di bloccoPel] Capitolo 2,4,5 - [BeGu] Capitolo 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
4UDE 2: Algoritmi e programmi; Uso di notazione grafica per esprimere algoritmi; Espressioni ComplessePel] Capitolo 2,4,5 - [BeGu] Capitolo 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
5UDE 3: • Array Monodimensionali; Puntatori; Puntatori ad array; Stringhe; Strutture e strutture nidificate; Array di strutture[Pel] Capitolo 3,7,8,11 - [BeGu] Capitolo 10, 13, 14, 16
6UDE 3: Puntatori a strutture; Unione; Enumerazione[Pel] Capitolo 3,7,8,11 - [BeGu] Capitolo 10, 13, 14, 16
7UDE 4:Lettura e scrittura di caratteri e stringhe; I/O formattato; Canali; File di testo; Esercizi sugli argomenti svolti nelle UDE 1,2,3,4[Pel] Capitolo 11 - [BeGu] Capitolo 17, 19 [Pel] Capitolo 6,9,10 - [BeGu] Capitolo 11, 1
8UDE 4: File Binari[Pel] Capitolo 11 - [BeGu] Capitolo 17, 19 [Pel] Capitolo 6,9,10 - [BeGu] Capitolo 11, 15
9UDE 5: Algoritmi di ricerca e ordinamento in memoria interna: classi di algoritmi; Esempi di Algoritmi di ordinamentoDISPENSE DEL DOCENTE
10UDE 5: Complessità computazionale; la notazione O e Omega grande; Cenni sulla valutazione della complessità di un programmaDISPENSE DEL DOCENTE
11UDE 6: • Algoritmi di ricerca e ordinamento in memoria interna: classi di algoritmi • Esempi di Algoritmi di ordinamentoDISPENSE DEL DOCENTE
12UDE 6: Complessità computazionale, la notazione O e omega, Cenni sulla valutazione della complessità di un programmaDISPENSE DEL DOCENTE
13UDE 7: Strutture dati lineari: Liste, Pile, Code; Strutture dati annidate; Esercizi sugli argomenti svolti nelle UDE 5,6,7DISPENSE DEL DOCENTE
14UDE 7: Strutture dati non lineari: Alberi, e tabelle HashDISPENSE DEL DOCENTE

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Two ongoing test or a final exam

The minimum skills required to pass the exam are as follows:



The criteria adopted in the evaluation are based on the relevance of the answers with respect to the questions asked, on the quality of the contents, on the ability to report examples, and on the correct use of technical language and the overall expressive capacity of the student.


There are two ongoing tests during the course.

First test

The first test consists of a computer work which can be carried out remotely and / or in the laboratory, which includes the ability to develop a simple program in ANSI C (according to the skills provided in the Didactic Units 1,2,3,4). Time 30 - 60 minutes

Passing the first ongoing test allows access to the second ongoing test.

Second test

The second in test consists of a computer test (from 60 to 90 minutes) which can be carried out remotely and / or in the laboratory and by an oral interview. There are no limits to the grade. The computer test serves as admission to the oral exam.

The oral exam, in presence and / or remotely, involves a discussion on the preliminary tests carried out and in-depth analysis of the entire program.


The exam consists of two preliminary computer tests and an oral test, which can be carried out in person and / or remotely. Access to the oral exam is subject to passing both computer tests.

First preliminary test

The first preliminary test (in analogy with the first ongoing test) consists of a computer work, which can be carried out remotely and / or in the laboratory (30 minutes) which includes the ability to develop a simple program in ANSI C (in accordance with the skills provided in the Didactic Units 1,2,3,4,5).

Second preliminary test

The second preliminary test consists of a computer work (from 60 to 90 minutes) (numerical evaluation is not required) which can be carried out remotely and / or in the laboratory.

Oral interview

The oral interview includes a discussion on the preliminary tests carried out and in-depth analysis of the entire program.

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