SCIENZE BIOLOGICHE, GEOLOGICHE E AMBIENTALIExperimental and Applied BiologyAcademic Year 2022/2023



Expected Learning Outcomes

The graduate student, of this master course, through the teaching course “Molecular Biology with Bioinformatic elements”, will be able to apply the molecular biology basic knowledge acquired with the degree of the first level, to drive an experimental approach in research field. In the first part of the course, potentials and application of bioinformatics will be highlighted. In the second part of the course, taking inspiration from a biological topics addressed in the lab of the teacher, the progression of scientific knowledge, through the tools and the logic of biomolecular research, will be teached to the students. To the end of the course, the student will be able to utilize in full autonomy tools for bioinformatic analysis and to understand the potentiality of molecular biology techniques to answer the scientific questions.

Course Structure

The teaching is held with lectures using slides and practical lessons. Slides will be uploaded on Studium platform for students. Attendance of the course is mandatory to the extent provided by the study programme.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of Molecular Biology

Detailed Course Content

First part: Bioinformatic programs for global and local sequence alignment; biological significance of sequence alignment; databases screening by alignment programs: FASTA and BLAST; Multiple sequence alignment; Clustal W program; research of structural and functional patterns in nucleotidic and proteic sequences. Genomes projects: bioinformatic methods; sequencing approach; annotations; genomic results and goals. Protein classification; determination of 3D protein structure; protein databases PDB, MMDB, Expasy, Swiss-Prot; protein secondary structure prediction; classification of functional domains; databases SCOP and CATH; protein tertiary structure prediction; homology modelling; threading; Ab Initio prediction. Second part: Molecular Biology techniques application to study VDAC a protein of mitochondrial outer membrane: characterization of VDAC isoforms biological role and identification of aminoacid and protein domains involved in channel functionality. Techniques to study gene function: recombinant protein expression, production and application; site-directed mutagenesis, construction of chimeric proteins by PCR, gene assembly by PCR; generation of transgenic organisms, standard transgenesis, gene targeting. Gene expression regulation mediated by RNA and gene silencing; analysis of gene expression

Textbook Information

S. Pascarella, A. Paiardini -Bioinformatica; dalla sequenza alla struttura delle proteine- Zanichelli.
J.D.Watson, A.A.Caudy, R.M.Myers, J.A.Witkowski-DNA ricombinante-Geni e Genomi-Zanichelli.
J.W.Dale, M.v.Schantz, N.Plant-Dai Geni ai Genomi-principi e applicazioni della tecnologia del DNA ricombinante-EdiSES.

Other additional material will be uploaded on Studium platform.


Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Progettazione e produzione di proteine ricombinantiJ.D.Watson et al.-DNA ricombinante-Geni e Genomi-Zanichelli.
2Tecniche di mutagenesi per lo studio della funzione di un gene e/o di una proteinaJ.D.Watson et al.-DNA ricombinante-Geni e Genomi-Zanichelli.
3Caratteristiche strutturali e funzionali della proteina VDAC. Metodi di studio della funzione di canale della proteina mediante l’utilizzo di membrane artificiali materiale didattico fornito dal docente
4Produzione di proteine VDAC ricombinanti wild-type e mutantimateriale didattico fornito dal docente
5Generazione di cellule e organismi transgenici mediante ricombinazione omologa, sito-specifica, trasposizione J.D.Watson et al.-DNA ricombinante-Geni e Genomi-Zanichelli.
6Identificazione del ruolo biologico delle proteine VDACs mediante lo studio in organismi transgenicimateriale didattico fornito dal docente
7RNA regolatori dell’espressione genica: significato biologico, evidenze sperimentali, meccanismi d’azione e applicazioni J.D.Watson et al.-DNA ricombinante-Geni e Genomi-Zanichelli
8Tecniche per lo studio e l'analisi dell'espressione genicaJ.D.Watson et al.-DNA ricombinante-Geni e Genomi-Zanichelli
9Studio dell'espressione delle isoforme VDACs e del loro ruolo biologico in modelli di colture cellulari materiale didattico fornito dal docente
10Banche dati e sistemi di retrievalS. Pascarella et al. -Bioinformatica; dalla sequenza alla struttura delle proteine- Zanichelli
11Matrici per lo studio di sequenze. Allineamenti tra sequenze e programmi usati S. Pascarella et al. -Bioinformatica; dalla sequenza alla struttura delle proteine- Zanichelli
12Metodi e programmi per lo studio e l'analisi della struttura secondaria delle proteineS. Pascarella et al. -Bioinformatica; dalla sequenza alla struttura delle proteine- Zanichelli
13Metodi e programmi per lo studio e l'analisi della struttura tridimensionale delle proteineS. Pascarella et al. -Bioinformatica; dalla sequenza alla struttura delle proteine- Zanichelli

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The examination mode consists of a written test at the end of the course that will be followed by an oral examination. This mode will be carried out only for the first available examination call after the course of lectures and for students who have regularly attended and reached the minimum attendance threshold. For subsequent calls, learning will be assessed exclusively oral examination.

The learning assessment may also be conducted electronically, should conditions require it.

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