SCIENZE BIOMEDICHE E BIOTECNOLOGICHEHuman Movement SciencesAcademic Year 2022/2023



Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to provide knowledge of theories relating to the general laws regulating the development of human movement, its ontogenesis, and theories on motor learning. 

The teaching aims to provide the theoretical knowledge to be able to design and develop teaching activities aimed at motor proposals in the various age groups.

The scientific basis of motor development, learning and control, motor skills and the main methodological strategies for planning, managing and conducting motor practice will be provided.

Acquisition of the basic principles and specific technical and methodological language in order to be able to orient oneself in the professional field of motor activities aimed at health, motor education and training, at the various levels of sports teaching.

Basic motor schemes, basic motor matrices, secondary motor schemes. 

Human movement: definition, functions, forms, classifications and planning.

Movement planning and implementation. 

The profile of the motor and sports professional.

Central contributions of human movement and control mechanisms. 

Planning, programming and realisation of movement. 

The evolution of motor skills throughout life: main theories of motor development and learning; characteristics of motor skills according to developmental stage from birth to old age. 

Sense-motor, perceptual-motor, ideo-motor activity: definition and terminological aspects. 

Motor skills: definition; classifications; specific differentiations and integrations; levels and priorities of development; management in movement and sport (balance, grasping, reaction time, anticipation, differentiation, endurance, muscular strength, rhythm, combination and adaptation.

Course Structure

The teaching methodology envisages face-to-face lessons, in e-learning mode, in VideoConference (if requested by the University), with participatory classroom activities and with discussion and interaction with the students, in order to have immediate feedback on the achievement of the objective.

In addition to face-to-face lectures, theoretical-practical exercises will be carried out individually and in groups on a study topic, a clinical case, aimed at the presentation of a group in-depth report (pdf thesis) or a popular seminar (oral presentation through ppt). For example: 1) structuring a specific lesson for an age group for the development of motor skills or capacities; 2) structuring a learning unit in motor and sports sciences starting from a case study, etc.

Practice times will be communicated by the lecturer during the lessons.

"If the teaching is given in a blended or distance learning mode, the necessary variations may be introduced with respect to what has been previously stated, in order to respect the syllabus set out and reported in the syllabus".

Required Prerequisites


Detailed Course Content

Textbook Information

1) Francesco Casolo: L'uomo e il movimento. Lineamenti di teoria e metodologia. Vita e pensiero, 2020.

2) Francesco Casolo: Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vita e pensiero, 2002.    

3) R.Schmidt/C.Wrisberg: Apprendimento Motorio e Prestazione, Società Stampa Sportiva, Roma 2000

4)  Kurt Meinel: Teoria del movimento, Società Stampa Sportiva, Roma 2000

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
11 Physical activity, health and wellbeing 2 Neuroscience and motor activity 3 Human movement 4 Classifications and forms of human movement 5 Motor, dynamic and postural patterns 6 Motor skills: coordination and conditioning 7 Motor skills and learning success 8 Human movement throughout life 9 Planning in the motor fieldCasolo F. “L’uomo e il movimento:Lineamenti di teoria e metodologia del movimento”. Vita e Pensiero,Milano,2020.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Intermediate and final written and/or oral examination.

The learning assessment may also be carried out electronically, should the conditions so require.

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