Expected Learning Outcomes

The course has the objective to acquire the skills and competences to define a linguistic profile and a rehabilitation path in reference to the current theoretical and practical guidelines and related guidelines, specifically:

  1.      to make the students know and acquire the skills, characteristics, insurgency, assessment tools and specific rehabilitation techniques for disorders of oral communication in the developmental age
  2.      to make known and acquire the specific skills of classification, classification, assessment and enabling and rehabilitative strategies in communication disorders related to childhood deafness
  3.      to make known and acquire the theoretical bases for the study, observation, evaluation and rehabilitative treatment of verbal fluency through specific technical skills and basic principles of functions related to fluency in preschool and school age and relative study of the characteristics fundamental principles of the main and current guidelines

Course Structure

Lectures with the aid of power point presentations and exercises on clinical cases.

If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote mode, the necessary changes with respect to what was previously stated may be introduced, in order to comply with the program envisaged and reported in the syllabus.

Required Prerequisites


- verbal and extra-verbal prerequisites

 - of the specific stages of the typical development of language in its formal and functional aspects

 - the development of the phono-articulatory system

 - anatomical and physiological of the auditory system

Attendance of Lessons

Mandatory attendance

Detailed Course Content

Textbook Information

  1. L. Marotta - Language disorders Ed. Erickson 2014
  2. Sabbadini, Vaquer, Michelazzo - Phonological disorder in children with speech disorders Ed. Springer 2004
  3. L. Sabbadini - Dyspraxia in the developmental age: evaluation and intervention criteria - Ed. Springer 2005
  4. Anchisi and Others - Phonological disorder in children with speech disorders: workbook Ed. Springer 2004
  5. L. Sabbadini - The Specific Language Disorder, dyspraxes and executive functions - Ed Springer 2013
  6. Caselli, Mariani, Pieretti - Speech therapy in developmental age assessment paths and rehabilitation experiences - Ed Del Cerro – 2003
  7. A. De Filippis - The Cochlear implant - Ed. Masson 2002
  8. Aimar, Schindler, Vernero - Training of auditory perception in children with cochlear implant Ed. Springer - 2009
  9. D. Tomaiuoli - Stuttering: Fundamentals, evaluation and treatment from childhood to adulthood - Ed. Erickson 2015
  10. Teaching material in lecture format provided by the teacher

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Presentazione del programma e dei relativi testi di studio adottati , Inquadramento diagnostico valutazione e trattamento riabilitativo del disturbo specifico del linguaggioL. Marotta - I disturbi del linguaggio Ed. Erickson 2014,Mariani, Pieretti Logopedia in età evolutiva percorsi di valutazione ed esperienze riabilitative Del Cerro 2003
2Il parlatore tardivo, il disordine fonologico e la disprassia verbale: inquadramento clinico, definizione, valutazione e tecniche di riabilitazioneSabbadini,Vaquer Michelazzo:Il disordine fonologico nel b/o con DSL Springer 2004,Sabbadini La disprassia in età evolutiva:criteri di valutazione e intervento Springer 2005;Sabbadini DSL,disprassie e funzioni esecutive Springer 2013 materiale didattico
3i disturbi del linguaggio in età evolutiva associati a sindromi genetiche, congenite ed acquisite. inquadramento, classificazione, valutazione e piano di intervento riabilitativomateriale didattico e dispensa forniti dalla docente
4Le ipoacusie trasmissive e neurosensoriali: inquadramento, valutazione, abilitazione e riabilitazione logopedica; il bambino con impianto cocleare dalla selezione al trattamento riabilitativoA. De Filippis - L’impianto Cocleare – Ed. Masson 2002 Aimar, Schindler, Vernero - Allenamento della percezione uditiva nei bambini con impianto cocleare Ed. Springer – 2009; materiale didattico e dispensa forniti dalla docente
5Le disfluenze: definizione, insorgenza, eziologia, valutazione e attuali orientamenti riabilitativi nel bambino prescolare e scolareD. Tomaiuoli - Balbuzie: Fondamenti, valutazione e trattamento dall'infanzia all'età adulta - Ed. Erickson 2015

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

written test: with open questions and multiple choice questions, and oral test.

Verification of learning can also be carried out electronically, should the conditions require it.

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