SCIENZE DELLA FORMAZIONEPsychologyAcademic Year 2022/2023


Teacher: Vittorio LENZO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The expected learning outcomes relate to the development of adequate knowledge and skills on the theoretical models that characterize the psychodynamic clinic and their application in diagnosis and psychotherapy.

Course Structure

Lectures (PowerPoint presentations and video) and laboratory activities (group work, exercises on clinical material provided by the teacher, and analysis of clinical cases).

Required Prerequisites

Basic knowledge of dynamic and clinical psychology.

Attendance of Lessons

Recommended, not mandatory.

Detailed Course Content

The course aims to provide students with theoretical and technical tools to understand how, in dynamic psychology, are diagnosis and psychotherapy.

Specifically, the course includes the following topics:

- personality, character, temperament;

- personality, psychopathology, and neuroscience;

- main theories and models of personality and relationality with particular reference to psychodynamic theories;

- personality and trauma;

- psychopathology and mentalization;

- personality and defense mechanisms;

- sex, gender, and sexual orientation;

- clinical interview, psychological tests, and psychodiagnostic examination;

- diagnostic manuals and procedures (with particular reference to PDM-2 and SWAP-200);

- general aspects of personality psychopathology and classification of personality disorders;

- psychotherapies: models of treatment of personality disorders (with particular reference to psychodynamic psychotherapies);

- the therapeutic relationship;

- diagnosis of personality and cultural variables;

- schizophrenia, psychotic disorders, and psychodynamic understanding patterns;

- depressive disorders, bipolar disorders, and psychodynamic understanding models;

- anxieties, phobias, obsessions, and models of psychodynamic understanding;

- eating disorders and psychodynamic understanding models;

- outline of substance abuse;

- personality factors and somatization mechanisms.

Textbook Information

1. V. Lingiardi, F. Gazzillo, La personalità e i suoi disturbi, Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2014

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral exam. The student is required to have adequate knowledge of the theoretical models that characterize the psychodynamic clinic and an understanding of their applications in the field of diagnosis and psychotherapy.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

The questions will refer to the contents of the program.

Below are some examples of exam questions:

What do we call traumatic?

What is meant by cumulative trauma?

What are the psychotic defenses?

What is the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual (PDM-2)?

What are the main differences between the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) and PDM-2?

What are the main tools for assessing defense mechanisms?

What is the Defense Mechanism Rating Scale?

What is the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure (SWAP-200)?

What is meant by borderline area in the psychodynamic field?

What is the relationship between therapeutic alliance and transference?

What are the main psychodynamic contributions to the understanding of depression?

What is the role of personality in eating disorders?

What is meant today by intersubjectivity in the psychodynamic field?

What are the practical aspects of psychodynamic psychotherapy?

What characterizes psychodynamic psychotherapy?

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