INGEGNERIA CIVILE E ARCHITETTURA (DICAR)Environmental EngineeringAcademic Year 2022/2023


Teacher: Matteo IGNACCOLO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge of the interaction between transport supply and demand. Skills in planning and feasibility studies of interventions in the transport sector (with particular regard to the energy-environmental aspects).

Course Structure

The course includes:

- frontal lessons

- guided exercise(s)

- guided tours

The acquisition of skills will be verified by means of an oral test which will cover both the theoretical topics and the assigned exercises.

Required Prerequisites

Transport planning support tools: Analysis of  transport supply and demand

Mechanics of locomotion

Level of Service

Attendance of Lessons

Attendence is strongly reccomended as it is consistent with the proposed teaching model which aims to encourage gradual learning, the active participation of the student in the classroom, and dialogue between teachers and students.

Detailed Course Content

Textbook Information

1. De Luca M., Manuale di pianificazione dei trasporti, Franco Angeli.

2. De Luca M., Tecnica ed economia dei trasporti, CUEN Napoli.

3. Cascetta E., Teoria e metodi dell’ingegneria dei sistemi di trasporto, UTET.

4. Corona G., Festa D., Trasporto Pubblico Locale. Risorse, pianificazione, esercizio, EGAF.

5. Hickman, R., & Banister, D. (2014). Transport, climate change and the city. Routledge.

6. Marcucci, E., & Gatta, V. (a cura di) (2017). Le politiche per la mobilità urbana sostenibile. Le sfide del futuro. Editrice Apes

7. Dalla Chiara B., Pede G., Valentini M. P., Coviello N., Deflorio F., Trasporti terrestri ed energia. Tecnologie, metodi ed applicazioni, EGAF.

8. La Greca, P., & Tira, M. (a cura di) (2017). Pianificare per la sostenibilità energetica della città. Maggioli Editore

9. Lecture notes

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures



Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

- Principal of air transport

- The sustainable mobility paradigm

-  Rigid and elastic transport demand

- Difference between cost / price/ tariff in the transport sector

- Cost-benefit analysis and multi-criteria analysis



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