Teacher: Vincenza CARCHIOLO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and understanding abilities

Applying knowledge and understanding abilities) 

Ability of making judgements

Communication skills

Learning skills

Course Structure

The lessons are arranged into Modules according to the arguments contents.

The main teaching methods are as follows:

lessons, to acquire the basic theoretical knowledge and all the language syntactic elements;

exercises proposed and solved by the teacher to develop student’s “problem solving” methodologies, to apply knowledge and to use the IDEs;

The teacher also proposes individual activities consisting in some problem that the student must solve independently and discuss with the classroom. 

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

Module 1: Characteristics of programming languages ​​and formal languages ​​for the specification and translation of programming languages Evolution of the main programming languages ​​Data types - Expressions and assignment declarations - Declaration level control structures - Subprograms and their implementation - Memory management - Garbace collector - Exception and event handler

Module 2: C ++ language  Introduction to C ++, use of predefined classes, C ++ class creations, pointers and references, overloading of functions and operators, creation of objects at runtime, reuse of C ++ code, writing of extensible programs, arguments and return values , container classes and C ++ models, exception handling, Standard C ++ Library, STL

Module 3:  Functional programming oriented to objects: the C# language: C# syntax, Classes and Objects, Basic Types and Operations, Functional Objects Built-in Control Structures, Functions and Closure, Abstraction, Inheritance and Class Hierarchy, Lambda Calculus, Lists, Pattern Maching, Actors and Competition, GUI

Module 4: The Pythom Language: Introduction to Python, Data Structures, Strings, Advanced Functions and OOPs, Standard Library, Development Tools, Networking, Crawling and Scraping, Serialization and Data Persistence, GUI Programming, Distributing Python

Module 5: The GO language  Introduction to the Go language, Language syntax: Data types and variables and Control and decision constructs, Data structures: arrays, slices and maps, Functions and defers Structure of memory and pointers Object-Oriented programming, P, Input and output management on terminal and file, the compiler and the garbage collector

Textbook Information

[T1] material provided by the teacher

[T2] Sebesta, Concepts of Programming Languages, 11th Edition - Pearson

[T3] Mark Michaelis, Essential C# 8.0,Addison-Wesley Microsoft Technology English

[T4] Alan A. A. Donovan and Brian W. Kernighan, Go Programming Language, Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series

[T5]   Thinking in C++, Vol 1 Thinking in C++, Bruce Eckel

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Valutazione dei linguaggi di programmazione[T2] 1.1-1.4 (inclusive), 1.6
2Storia dei linguaggi di programmazione[T2] 2
3Naming, Binging e Scope[T2] capitolo 5
4Data Type e Valutazione delle Espressioni[T2] capitolo 6, 7
5Gestione della memoria e Garbage CollectionAho Ulmann, Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools, 2nd Edition, cap 7.4 -7.8
6Strutture di controllo e sottoprogrammi[T2] capitolo 8,9,10
7Tecniche avanzate di programmazione[t2] capitolo 13,14
8Il linguaggio C++
9Il linguaggio C#
10Il linguaggio Python
11Il linguaggio GO

Versione in italiano