SCIENZE BIOLOGICHE, GEOLOGICHE E AMBIENTALIGeological SciencesAcademic Year 2022/2023



Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to provide the appropriate knowledge aimed at the recognition and determination of the origin of the valuable rocks used in antiquity, with particular reference to the Sicilian architectural decoration also as a function of problems concerning the restoration. Other objectives are the acquisition of skills to develop a project for the enhancement and use of museums and the advanced knowledge of innovative analytical methodologies for the distinction of natural, synthetic, artificial and reconstituted gems.

Course Structure

lectures and lab exercises

Detailed Course Content

•    “Marble” nomenclature
•    Ancient decorative stones
•    Precious stones in the antiquity: localization of the quarries. Diffusion and reutilization of the roman marbles.  
•    Opus sectile; mosaic;  mischi and tramischi marbles.

•    Minerals and Gems; Engraved gems
•    Natural, artificial, synthetic gems; composite gems; treatments.  
•    Methodologies for gems identification: Raman Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) 

•    Museology with detailed focus on Sicilian and European Museum   (Berlin, London, Barcellona, Paris and Vienna). Scientific project in the field of valorization and fruition of Museums. 

Textbook Information

Pietre e marmi antichi a cura di Lorenzo Lazzarini CEDAM (2004)
I materiali lapidei nell’edilizia storica di Palermo. Conoscenza per il restauro. Ilion Books (2008).

Pietre preziose Mario Fontana De Vecchi editore

(Robert Webster GEMME Zanichelli editore)

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Modulo di Museologiacartella su STUDIUM modulo di museologia
2Modulo rocce di pregio utilizzate in antichitàCartella su STUDIUM modulo di rocce di pregio e Pietre e marmi antichi di Lazzarini capitoli 5, 6,7,8
3Modulo di gemmologia Cartella su STUDIUM modulo di gemmologia e Le pietre preziose di Fontana da pag 13 a pag 33, da 39 a 52, da 65 a 72,

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