Il Corso si propone di fornire agli studenti i principi economici di base per la comprensione delle strategie d’impresa finalizzate alla creazione e al mantenimento del vantaggio competitivo. Verranno forniti anche gli strumenti per l'analisi di casi studio.
La didattica del corso include sia lezioni frontali sulla teoria che esercitazioni riguardanti l'applicazione della teoria a casi studio.
Nozioni elementari di microeconomia con particolare riferimento ai mercati concorrenziali e non.
Non obbligatoria ma fortemente consigliata
Business strategy
Competitive advantage
Organization design
Industry analysis
The spectrum of competition and niche markets
Competition in concentrated markets
Entry and the advantage of incumbency
Creating and capturing value in the value chain
Strategic management in a changing environment
Strategy in markets with demand-side increasing returns
1. G. Saloner, A. Shepard and J. Podolny, Strategic Management, J. Wiley & S., New York, 2001, Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
2. W.C. Kim and R. Mauborgne, Blue Ocean Strategy. How to Create Uncontested Markets Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant, Harvard Business Review Press, Cambridge, 2015, Chapters 1,2.
3. R. Hamermesh, K.D. Gordon, J.P.Reed Crown and Cork and Seal Company, Inc., Harvard Business School, Case Study, rev 1987 (Product number 378024-PDF-ENG, disponibile all'indirizzo:
4. P. Ghemawat, H.J. Stander, Nucor at a Croassroads; Harvard Business School, Case Study, Rev. 1992 (product number 793039, disponibile all'indirizzo:
Argomenti | Riferimenti testi | |
1 | Introduction: Strategic Management | Saloner-Shepard-Podolny, Ch 1 |
2 | Business Strategy | Saloner-Shepard-Podolny, Ch 2 |
3 | Competitive Advantage | Saloner-Shepard-Podolny, Ch 3 |
4 | Internal Context: organization Design | Saloner-Shepard-Podolny, Ch 4 |
5 | External Context: Industry Analysis | Saloner-Shepard-Podolny, Ch 6 |
6 | The Spectrum of Competition and Niche Markets | Saloner-Shepard-Podolny, Ch 7 |
7 | Competition in Concentrated Markets | Saloner-Shepard-Podolny, Ch 8 |
8 | Entry and the Advantage of Incumbency | Saloner-Shepard-Podolny, Ch 9 |
9 | Creating and Capturing Value in the Value Chain | Saloner-Shepard-Podolny, Ch 10 |
10 | Strategic Management in a Changing Environment | Saloner-Shepard-Podolny, Ch 11 |
11 | Strategy in Markets with Demand-Side Increasing Returns | Saloner-Shepard-Podolny, Ch 12 |
Prova scritta. Sei domande aperte. Tempo a disposizione 120 minuti.
What is business strategy?. Two main routes to competitive advantage. The coordination and incentive problems in organization design. Porter's Five Forces Industry Analysis Framework. Timing in Oligopoly. Opportunity for creating value along the value chain: The role of relation-specific investments. The Four Actions Framework of Blue Ocean Strategy.