SCIENZE UMANISTICHEPhilosophical ScienceAcademic Year 2022/2023



Expected Learning Outcomes

To introduce Theoretical Philosophy as a universal phenomenological ontology, concerning the fundamental issues of metaphysics.

The student will achieve:

1) Knowledge and understanding of the main ontological and metaphysical issues

2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding to individual and collective existence

3) Autonomy of judgment in every sphere of knowledge and life

4) Communication skills in rationally presenting one's positions

5) Learning skills in every sphere of knowledge

Course Structure

Frontal lessons, which will focus on reading and analyzing texts.

Required Prerequisites

Adequate knowledge of the main itineraries of European philosophy from the Greek world to the twentieth century.

Detailed Course Content


The course will analyze the ontological status of the present and of history, on the basis of Nietzsche's anthropodecentrism and the interpretation given by Eugenio Mazzarella. The analysis will close with a theoretical reflection on more recent years and on what it is possible to say about human nature starting from the present.

Textbook Information

-Alberto Giovanni Biuso, Sullo statuto del presente: ontologia e storia, in Vita pensata, n. 23, November 2020 (pp. 24-30)

-Friedrich W. Nietzsche, Su verità e menzogna in senso extramorale, Adelphi 2015 (pp. 57)

-Friedrich W. Nietzsche, Sull’utilità e il danno della storia per la vita, Adelphi 1974 (pp. XV–105)

-Eugenio Mazzarella, Nietzsche e la storia. Storicità e ontologia della vita, Carocci Editore 2022 (pp. 212)

-Alberto Giovanni Biuso,  Disvelamento. Nella luce di un virus, Algra Editore 2022 (pp. 146)

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1The ontological statute of the presentAlberto Giovanni Biuso, Sullo statuto del presente: ontologia e storia
2History and time in Nietzsche's philosophy1. Friedrich W. Nietzsche, Su verità e menzogna in senso extramorale 2. Friedrich W. Nietzsche, Sull’utilità e il danno della storia per la vita
3Historicity and existenceEugenio Mazzarella, Nietzsche e la storia. Storicità e ontologia della vita
4An analysis of the presentAlberto Giovanni Biuso, Disvelamento. Nella luce di un virus

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