AGRICOLTURA, ALIMENTAZIONE E AMBIENTE (Di3A)Environmental and landscape planning and sustainabilityAcademic Year 2022/2023


Teacher: Claudia ARCIDIACONO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected learning outcomes: The course aims to acquire basic disciplinary and professional knowledge on modern technologies for the survey, representation and management of territorial information.

Knowledge and understanding: Through lectures and practical exercises, students will acquire the basic disciplinary and professional skills necessary for the survey representation and management of territorial information, by using modern topographical tools, for the reading and use of technical, thematic and cadastral maps, for the organization and computerised processing of data collected for the purpose of updating the cadastral documents and databases, for the analysis of the territory and landscape, for the environmental and landscape sustainability of rural buildings, for agricultural-forestry studies and mapping, for precision agriculture applications, and for the representation and analysis of territorial data using GIS tools.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: At the end of the course the student will be able to use the basic tools of modern technologies for the survey, representation and management of territorial information.

Autonomy of judgment: In the applications for the management of territorial information, the student will be able to make technical choices related to the GIS tools available.

Communication skills: The student will acquire the basic technical language relating to modern technologies for the survey, representation and management of territorial information.

Learning ability: The basic knowledge acquired during the course will allow the student to autonomously expand their knowledge on the representation and analysis of territorial data using GIS tools, through the use of the reference manual, which contains the description of additional tools in addition to those analyzed during the course. Furthermore, the seminar activities organised within the course will allow the student to be able to expand knowledge on the modern developments of the discipline.

Course Structure

The didactic methods adopted include lectures and exercises in the computer lab.

The course includes 28 hours of frontal lessons and 28 hours of practical lessons (discussion of case studies and guided tours, reports, essays, individual or group research carried out by students, educational field experiences, seminars). If measures to mitigate the impact of the pandemic should be incremented lectures could be held online or in mixed mode.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

As a guarantee of equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on their specific needs and on teaching objectives of the discipline. It is also possible to ask the departmental contacts of CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Integration - Services for Disabilities and/or DSAs), in the persons of professors Giovanna Tropea Garzia and Anna De Angelis.

Required Prerequisites

Basics of Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics

Detailed Course Content

Methodologies and techniques for the survey of the territory using modern topographical tools; surfaces and reference systems for cartographic representation and applications for the determination of coordinates in different reference systems; Italian cartographic types and their basic use; basic principles for the acquisition, representation and analysis of territorial data in Geographic Information Systems. Use of open source GIS software for georeferencing, creation of thematic layers, use of WMS services from geoportals, selection of information, use of the main Geoprocessing tools and symbology for thematic representation, data presentation and printing. Applications for precision agriculture: definition of indicators for the study of environmental variables. The cadastral information system: contents of the system and updating procedures; the PREGEO procedure for the Land Registry.

Textbook Information

  1. Emanuela Caiaffa. 2012. ECDL GIS. La rappresentazione cartografica e i fondamenti del GIS. McGraw-Hill
  2. QGIS user manual ( e training manual (
  3. Faustino Cetraro. Gis e WebGis a confronto – Cartografia applicata ai sistemi informativi territoriali, EPC Editore, 2011. ISBN: 9788863103458
  4. Roberto D'Apostoli. Prontuario di topografia, Maggioli Editore, 2009. ISBN: 9788838748455.
  5. Roberto D'Apostoli. Manuale di topografia, Maggioli Editore, 2012. ISBN: 9788838774515.
  6. C, La Vecchia, Polizzi B. Il catasto terreni: manuale tecnico con numerosi esempi pratici, Flaccovio Editore, 2010. ISBN: 9788857900117.
  7. A.M. Di Trapani, S. Mandanaci, E. Schimenti. Evoluzione e prospettive del catasto terreni in Italia, Edizioni fotograf, 2007. ISBN: 9788895272030

           Kraak M., Ormeling F. Cartography. Visualization of geospatial data. Fourth edition. 2010. CRC press. London. ISBN: 9780429464195

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Superfici e sistemi di riferimento per la rappresentazione cartografica; Classificazione; Cartografia nazionale, europea, internazionaleTesto 1 cap 1; Testo 3 cap.1; Testo 4, Cap 3; Testo 5 cap. 7; Materiale ed esercitazioni forniti dal docente
2Acquisizione, rappresentazione e analisi dei dati territoriali nei Sistemi informativi territorialiTesto 1 cap 2; Testo 3 cap 2, 3, 4, e 5; Materiale fornito dal docente.
3Utilizzo del Software QGISTesto 2; Testo 3 cap 6, 7, 8, 9 e 10; Materiale ed esercitazioni fornite dal docente.
4Il sistema informativo catastale: contenuti del sistema e procedure di aggiornamento; la procedura PREGEO per il Catasto TerreniTesto 6; Testo 7; Materiale fornito dal docente
5Metodologie e tecniche per il rilievo del territorio Testo 4 cap 1; Testo 5 cap 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e 6; Materiale ed esercitazioni fornite dal docente

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam consists of an oral part on the topics covered in the theoretical lessons and in the discussion of the exercises developed during the exercises.

In the oral exam, the relevance of the answers to the questions asked, the quality of the contents, the ability to connect with other topics covered by the program and with the exercises developed, the ability to report examples, the property of technical language and the ability will be assessed. student's overall expressiveness.

Verification of learning can also be carried out electronically, should the conditions require it.

 The vote follows the following scheme:


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Important shortcomings. Significant inaccuracies

Analysis and synthesis skills: Irrelevant. Frequent generalizations. Inability to synthesize

Use of references: Completely inappropriate


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: At the threshold level. Obvious imperfections

Ability to analyze and synthesize: Just enough skills

Use of references: As appropriate


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Routine knowledge 

Analysis and synthesis skills: capable of correct analysis and synthesis. Argue logically and consistently

Use of references: Use standard references


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Good knowledge

Analysis and synthesis skills: good analysis and synthesis skills. The arguments are expressed consistently

Use of references: Use standard references


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Knowledge more than good

Ability to analyze and synthesize: considerable abilities of analysis and synthesis

Use of references: Has explored the topics


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Excellent knowledge

Ability to analyze and synthesize: considerable abilities of analysis and synthesis.

Use of references: Important insights.

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