SCIENZE UMANISTICHEModern PhilologyAcademic Year 2022/2023


Teacher: Sergio Alfio Maria CRISTALDI

Expected Learning Outcomes

The learning objectives can be declined according to specific knowledge, skills and abilities, gradually acquired during and confidently possessed by the student at the end of the course. The main learning objective is the broad and solid knowledge of important authors, works and cultural processes of Italian literature of the forteenth century and of the nineteenth century. To this disciplinary knowledge, declined both in a historical-diachronic and a formal-stylistic key, in the latter case with particular reference to the main characteristics of the literary genres studied within the chronological span of the course (the lyric, the novel), an understanding of the mechanisms that govern the transmission over time of forms, stylistic features, literary themes must be added. At the end of the course the student will have acquired ability to combine solid historical-cultural knowledge, relating to Italian literature of the 14th and 19th centuries, with an increased autonomy of judgment, historically and philologically founded, about the literary works indicated in the program as the object of specific study. At the end of the course, the student will be able to express acquired knowledge through communication skills appropriately solicited and educated in class, marked by logical clarity, expressive effectiveness, appropriate use of technical language.

Course Structure


Required Prerequisites

Essential knowledge of the history of Italian literature, with particular reference to the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries and the nineteenth century.

Attendance of Lessons

In-person Lectrues

Detailed Course Content

A) Dante’s lyric poetry (3 ECTS)
B) Petrarch’s Triumphi (2 ECTS)
C) The nineteenth century novel (4 ECTS)

Textbook Information

1 - Dante Alighieri, Vita nova, edited by S. Carrai, Milano, Rizzoli, pp. 5-176.
2 - S. Cristaldi (edited by), Per rima, per prosa. Dante, «Vita nuova» e «Rime»  Milano, Franco Angeli, 2021, pp. 7-225.

Francesco Petrarca, Triumphi, edited by M. Ariani, Milano, Mursia, 2022, pp. 1-276 (Introduction, Triumphus Cupidinis Triumphus Pudicitiae, Triumphus Mortis), pp. 379-410 (Triumphus Eternitatis). 

1 - G. Tellini, Storia del romanzo italiano, Firenze, Le Monnier, 2017,
     Capitoli III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X (pp. 43-265).
2 - Antonio Fogazzaro, Piccolo mondo antico, complete text (edition of your choice). 
3 - S. Cristaldi, Soluzioni del conflitto. Saggio su «Piccolo mondo antico», Catania, Cuecm, 2013, pp. 5-194.
4 - G. Alfieri et alii (edited by), Rappresentazioni narrative. Realismo, verismo, modernismo tra secondo Ottocento e primo Novecento, Quarta sessione, «La scommessa di Fogazzaro», saggi di G. Tellini, F. Danelon, S. Magherini, Leonforte, Fondazione Verga-Euno Edizioni, 2020, pp. 213-253.    

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For further information on sanctions and regulations concerning photocopying please refer to the regulations on copyright (Linee Guida sulla Gestione dei Diritti d’Autore) provided by AIDRO - Associazione Italiana per i Diritti di Riproduzione delle opere dell’ingegno (the Italian Association on Copyright).
All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1The Italian lyric of the Origins
2Dante's poems
3Development of Dante's poetry
4Dante's songs
5Petrarch's poetry between Canzoniere and Trionfi
6Allegory, metaphor and symbols in the Trionfi
7Dante's influence on Petrarc
8The system of literary genres at the beginning of the nineteenth century
9The novel tradition in Italy
10History and ideology in fictional narration
11Manzoni and the historical novel
12Content and form of the Betrothed
13Faith and the problem of evil in the Betrothed
14Charachter system in the Betrothed
16Realism and scapigliatura
17French naturalism and italian verismo
19Malavoglia e MAstro-Don Gesualdo
20Psychological novel and modernism: Fogazzaro
21Piccolo mondo antico

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

During the lessons there will be an ongoing test on topics of the course. Passing the test will entitle you not to take the respective arguments to the exam.
Final oral exam
Reservations are required on the University website
The assessment of the exam will take into account the mastery of the contents and skills acquired, linguistic accuracy and lexical properties, as well as the argumentative ability demonstrated by the candidate.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

A chapter or a composition of the New Life chosen by the Commission.

A critical essay on the Vita Nuova or on the Rhymes chosen by the Commission.

Petrarch, one of the Triumphs chosen by the Commission.

Foscolo, Last letters of Jacopo Ortis.

Manzoni's anti-novel.

Nievo, The confessions of an Italian.

Verga, and the dissolution of narrative structures.

Fogazzaro, Little ancient world.

The narrative dialogue.

Literature and performative.

Novel and event.

Versione in italiano