SCIENZE CHIMICHEChemistryAcademic Year 2022/2023



Expected Learning Outcomes

The targets of the course are:

  1. Focus on some important aspects of Organic Chemistry (such as aminoacids, catalysis, pericyclic reactions, organometallic reactions, retrosynthesis), with particular attention to the mechanistic point of view and to the Physical Organic Chemistry
  2. Analyze some important organic reactions, focusing the reaction mechanism
  3. Develop the ability to design and realize new synthetic pathway to obtain new organic molecules
  4. Study the main non-covalent interactions and their application in the modern Synthetic Organic Chemistry

Regarding the Dublin Descriptors, this course aims to transfer the following transversal competences to the student:
Knowledge and understanding:
 Inductive and deductive reasoning skills;
 Ability to rationalize and predict the reactivity of organic molecules;
 Ability to distinguish the difference between covalent and non-covalent interactions;
 Ability to predict the kinetic course of a reaction.
Ability to apply knowledge:
 Ability to design a synthetic path suitable for obtaining a precise organic molecule;
 Ability to predict the course of a reaction based on precise experimental parameters;
 Ability to identify the conditions for optimal reactions for a synthetic strategy.
Autonomy of judgment:
 Critical reasoning skills;
 Self-assessment of learning through interactions in the classroom with colleagues and with the teacher.

Communication skills:
 Ability to describe in oral and written form, with properties of language and terminological rigor, one of the topics covered, making use of both power point presentations and the blackboard.

Course Structure

Lessons will be carried out in classroom, with the use of power point presentations and the use of the blackboard.

Periodically, some meeting will be done, also by using informatics platforms, to check the level of learning and to clarify some arguments.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.


Required Prerequisites

Good knowledge of General Chemistry and Basic Organic Chemistry. Knowledge of the basic principles that guide the reactivity of molecules.

Attendance of Lessons

Mandatory. If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote mode, the necessary changes may be introduced with respect to what was previously stated, in order to comply with the program envisaged and reported in the Syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

Textbook Information

  1. Chimica Organica 5e Edises Brown,Foote, Anslyn
  2. P. Y. BRUICE - Chimica organica - 2a Edizione EdiSES
  3. Warren, Wyatt- Organic Synthesis: the Disconnection approach 2 ed. Wiley 2011
  4. Materiale didattico fornito dal docente

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Amminoacidi, proprietà chimicheBrown, appunti di lezione
2Peptidi, polipeptidi e proteineBrown, appunti di lezione
3Sintesi di polipeptidiBrown, appunti di lezione
4Struttura primaria, secondaria e terziaria dei polipeptidi e delle proteineBrown, appunti di lezione
5Struttura tridimensionale delle proteineBrown, appunti di lezione
6Reazioni elettrociclicheBrown, appunti di lezione
7Reazioni di cicloaddizioneBrown, appunti di lezione
8Trasposizioni sigmatropicheBrown, appunti di lezione
9Catalisi: Aspetti generali ed aspetti energetici.Bruice, appunti di lezione
10Catalisi EnzimaticaBruice, appunti di lezione
11Inibitori enzimaticiBruice, appunti di lezione
12Enzimi artificialiAppunti di lezione
13Composti organometalliciBruice, appunti di lezione
14Reattività dei composti di organometalliciBruice, appunti di lezione
15Reazioni di metatesiAppunti di lezione
16Click ChemistryAppunti di lezione
17Strategie di sintesi organica: retrosintesi e disconnessioni. Warren, appunti di lezione
18Decarbossilazione di -chetoacidi. Formazione di esteri metilici mediante diazometano, Sintesi di Williamson degli eteri, Sintesi di alleni. Sintesi di eteri. Brown, appunti di lezione
19Sintesi di alcheni: reazione di Wittig, Reazione di Horner-Wadsworth-EmmonsBruice, appunti di lezione
20Reazioni di trasferimento di ossigenoBruice, appunti di lezione
21Reazioni di ossidoriduzioneBruice, appunti di lezione
22Interazioni non-covalentiAppunti di lezione
23Macrocicli abioticiAppunti di lezione
24Principi termodinamici delle interazioni Host-GuestAppunti di lezione
25Nucleosidi e nucleotidi.Brown, appunti di lezione
26Struttura del DNABrown, appunti di lezione

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam will be taken orally. The exam topics will be strictly related to those developed during the lessons.

The objective of the exam will be to evaluate:

the achievement of the objectives of the course and in particular:

the ability to design a synthesis using the retrosynthetic approach

the understanding of the reaction mechanisms analyzed during the lessons, proposing plausible mechanisms also for new reactions

understanding of the different types of catalysis

understanding the differences between the various types of non-covalent interactions

Verification of learning can also be carried out electronically, should the conditions require it.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Disconnection of an organic molecule

Optimization of the synthesis process

Definition of catalysis

Thermodynamic principles governing host-guest interactions

Electrocyclic reactions

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