SCIENZE DELLA FORMAZIONEPsychological Sciences and TechniquesAcademic Year 2022/2023



Expected Learning Outcomes

The aim is to provide to the students the tools for analyzing the organizational behavior according to the psychosocial perspective. The conceptual framework is oriented to lead the student from the beginning to more recent developments of the organizational psychology. Particular attention will be given to methods and tools of the recruitment (assessment center).

Course Structure

Lectures and laboratory work with exercises

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge and basic notions of Psychology and Sociology

Detailed Course Content

History of work and organizational psychology. Communication in organizations. Organizational culture. Leadership and organizational climate. Knowledge and learning in organizations. Personal and collective efficacy. Change and organizational development. Decision-making and conflict in organizations. Individual differences, skills and values in the workplace. Motivation and job satisfaction. Psychosocial risks, well-being and safety in the workplace.

Textbook Information

1. Argentero, P., Cortese, C., (a cura di). Psicologia delle organizzazioni. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, Ed. 2018 (tutto ad esclusione dei capp. 1, 5, 14, 16, 17, 18)
2. Argentero, P., Cortese, C., (a cura di). Psicologia del lavoro. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, Ed. 2016 (tutto ad esclusione dei capp. 1 e 13)
3. Cortese, G.C., Dal Carlo, A. (a cura di). La selezione del personale. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2008. (for non-attending students)

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Fondamenti storici e metodologici della psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni. I costrutti base dell'approccio psicosociale alle organizzazioniappunti e introduzione ai testi n° 1 e 2°
2Comunicare ed organizzare. La cultura ed i climi nell'organizzazione. Conoscenza e apprendimento. Leadership e Followership. I Gruppi di lavoro. Risorse personali e comportamento organizzativo.testo n° 1
3Le decisioni nelle organizzazioni. Cambiamento e sviluppo organizzativo. Il conflitto e le emozioni nella vita organizzativatesto n° 1
4Le differenze individuali. I valori in ambito lavorativo. La competenza e la carriera. Motivazione e soddisfazione lavorativa. Ambiente, sicurezza e rischi psicosociali. Il Benessere lavorativo ed i comportamenti controproduttivitesto n° 2
5La selezione del personale: modelli, tecniche e prassi (*)testo n° 3
6(*) Parte monografica per i non frequentanti le attività didattiche ordinarie ed i Laboratori

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam is held in oral form. Students attending the workshops and who intend to take advantage, through validation, of the corresponding hours for the purposes of the internship, are required to draw up a report containing personal reflections on one of the topics covered in the workshops. This report will be approved by the teacher at the end of the exam and delivered by the student to deliver it to the internship office. Active participation in the workshops and the drafting of the final report exempts the student from textbook n ° 3.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

The evaluation criteria that are followed for the exam are set out:

Sample questions:

  1. Theories on motivation and job satisfaction
  2. Research methods and tools in work and organizational psychology
  3. The tools of organizational communication
  4. Climate and organizational culture
  5. Career theories
  6. Psychosocial risks
  7. Work stress and burnout
  8. The JDR model
  9. The working groups
  10. Personal values and values at work

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